also, one could not afford to obtain such a clearance even if you didn't need the employer request... various #'s thrown about, but i have consistently heard $10k to process, and substantial amt's to keep it active thereafter...
i held a "Q" from the early 80's thru the early 90's, then they downsized the # of cleared people needed... [rocky flats]... it took about a year for me, i spent a summer in france w/no perm address, and being the communist influenced country that it was at that time, sent up lots of red flags.
if one does get a clearance, you can send off to washington for your clearance paperwork. i did, and it is about 3-4" thick, and quite useful for things like old addresses, bank #'s, etc.. along with having quite interesting reading about what your friends and acquaintances said about you!!