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WCS Waste Disposal Site Officially Opens
« on: Nov 16, 2011, 08:08 »
ANDREWS - Officials and employees alike were on-hand to cut the ribbon, opening Waste Control Specialists' Compact Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in Andrews County.


I noticed that this waste site in West Texas just opened up and have not heard much about it. I have remotely followed the politics of Yucca Mountain and how the former aide to Markey & Reid (that can't be good) and current NRC chairman Jackzo tried to knock it out but then I read things saying it's not dead yet too.

Does a facility like this take away the need for the debate on Yucca Mountain (minus SC getting their money back)? Did Texas just decide to claim those jobs and the waste that Nevada didn't want? Is this site too small to be relevant? Does it have a large impact on waste disposal or is this relatively minor?

I'm surprised I haven't heard more on the topic.

« Last Edit: Nov 16, 2011, 08:13 by Drayer »

Offline Marlin

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Re: WCS Waste Disposal Site Officially Opens
« Reply #1 on: Nov 16, 2011, 09:42 »
Does a facility like this take away the need for the debate on Yucca Mountain (minus SC getting their money back)?

LLW does not include greater than class C radioactive waste there is still no place to bury it.

Is this site too small to be relevant? Does it have a large impact on waste disposal or is this relatively minor?

I'm surprised I haven't heard more on the topic.

Site is large enough and competition is a good thing if they can provide a good burial rate.

I'm surprised I haven't heard more on the topic.

Me too one of the managers down there was a regular poster at one time, haven't heard from him on the site for a while.

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Re: WCS Waste Disposal Site Officially Opens
« Reply #2 on: Nov 16, 2011, 09:57 »

Does a facility like this take away the need for the debate on Yucca Mountain,...


Did Texas just decide to claim those jobs and the waste that Nevada didn't want?

No, WCS has been in the works for a decade,...

Is this site too small to be relevant?

It's large enough to be relevant,...

Does it have a large impact on waste disposal or is this relatively minor?

For some generators yes, others no,...

I'm surprised I haven't heard more on the topic.

Well, it's not sexy, either technically or politically. It's been a long work in progress with technical, political and regulatory challenges to be mastered. LLRW type waste repositories don't open up every day and getting permitted to dispose in them can take some time also. It's not a bad thing as competition is a good thing, but highly regulated competition is neither exciting or glamorous, just pounds and cents.

If you're thinking of a job after the Navy it would be a good candidate for "job for life", the relevant skill sets can be discussed PM.

It's very hot in West Texas, they say you can see the lights for this place at night out to the west;

I reckon that makes two potential "job for life" options in those parts,....

Nuclear, but not nuke power,'s a living,....not so glamorous as those SRO/RO/AO big leaguers but their existence (waste sites and new fuel makers) kinda are the necessary book ends without which the aforementioned do not exist,...

Of course, there is always that high level stuff to still be dealt with,...

« Last Edit: Nov 16, 2011, 10:02 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: WCS Waste Disposal Site Officially Opens
« Reply #3 on: Nov 17, 2011, 09:19 »
Here are some links you can follow for updated information.

As usual with news reports, there are a few inaccuracies in the story.  The most prominent is the fact the waste will not arrive in those large concrete canisters (termed MCC, for Modular Concrete Canister); those are disposal canisters.

Thanks for the link. I have been doing some research and found this most interesting!

It sounds like more of a medical rad waste and local generator's Class B/C dump than the massive operation I envisioned. Also with 70% of the space dedicated for Texas & Vermont, it should be limited in usefulness to the entire industry, it appears.

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Re: WCS Waste Disposal Site Officially Opens
« Reply #4 on: Nov 18, 2011, 07:24 »
I attended the WCS grand opening and took a site tour. The operation is hugh and should be a major player in the radwaste disposal business for years to come. As a side note WCS's next door neighbor is URENCO which still has one vacant RP tech position.


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Re: WCS Waste Disposal Site Officially Opens
« Reply #5 on: Nov 18, 2011, 09:47 »
I have some friends there and they hope for a long and lasting relationship with the company.

As for costs, whenever there is competition the costs usually decrease.


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