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Offline eaton1981

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Recently Separate Navy Nuke; Interview Coming Up
« on: Jun 13, 2012, 04:18 »
I did a phone interview for an NLO position last week and it went well. They're flying me out next week for testing, a tour of the plant, and a face-to-face interview.

I've done a behavioral interview once before (for my job at Home Depot, which is silly since my responsibilities included driving a fork lift and lifting heavy boxes onto and off of shelves at night after the store was closed).

For you with OPS experience, what is the "protocol," (I guess you could call it that) for interview attire. I have a suit, but don't know if it'd be appropriate walking around the plant on my tour with it. I was instead thinking dress slacks, tie, and nice shirt, with nice (yet "walkable") shoes. Any advice on whether I should go with the suit is much appreciated.

Also, I specifically asked if it was the POSS test I was going to be taking, and they said it's not, but it IS an aptitude test. Are there any aptitude tests aside from POSS that plants use?

Thanks for the help in advance.


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Re: Recently Separate Navy Nuke; Interview Coming Up
« Reply #1 on: Jun 13, 2012, 05:40 »
I did a phone interview for an NLO position last week and it went well. They're flying me out next week for testing, a tour of the plant, and a face-to-face interview.

I've done a behavioral interview once before (for my job at Home Depot, which is silly since my responsibilities included driving a fork lift and lifting heavy boxes onto and off of shelves at night after the store was closed).

For you with OPS experience, what is the "protocol," (I guess you could call it that) for interview attire. I have a suit, but don't know if it'd be appropriate walking around the plant on my tour with it. I was instead thinking dress slacks, tie, and nice shirt, with nice (yet "walkable") shoes. Any advice on whether I should go with the suit is much appreciated.

Also, I specifically asked if it was the POSS test I was going to be taking, and they said it's not, but it IS an aptitude test. Are there any aptitude tests aside from POSS that plants use?

Thanks for the help in advance.
I'd wear the suit. Your other idea should be fine too. The company website should have some information on their testing and the recruiter should be willing to tell you what kind of test it is.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Recently Separate Navy Nuke; Interview Coming Up
« Reply #2 on: Jun 13, 2012, 05:43 »
Make sure it is a polyester suit, preferably one of those really clingy 99 dollar specials ;)

Offline eaton1981

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Re: Recently Separate Navy Nuke; Interview Coming Up
« Reply #3 on: Jul 18, 2012, 04:44 »
Received and accepted the position this week. I am officially in the civilian side of nuclear power! Starting Aug. 13th.


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