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Offline VTnuke

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Brunswick SRO careers?
« on: Jul 12, 2012, 10:23 »
I am an SRO at a BWR.  Due to family reasons, I plan to go to NC/SC in 1-2 years.  I am wondering if anyone knows what kind of opportunities there may be at Brunswick in that time frame.  Thanks!

Offline STGN

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Re: Brunswick SRO careers?
« Reply #1 on: Jul 15, 2012, 12:50 »
I don't work at Brunswick, but I'll offer some thoughts.....There are a number of plants in NC/SC, as well as a GE fuel fabrication plant and the Savannah River Site.  So if you're coming to the Carolina's, I'm not sure you have to limit yourself to Brunswick unless you want to stick with the BWR platform.  Both Brunswick and the GE (makes BWR fuel) plant are near Wilmington, so you may consider applying at both.

I suggest going to the Duke Energy website and seeing if there are any jobs posted.  Things may be different now that Progress and Duke completed their merger.


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Re: Brunswick SRO careers?
« Reply #2 on: Jul 17, 2012, 06:17 »
Why limit yourself to BWR? I jumped from BWR SRO/SM to PWR SRO/SM. Once you have a license it's not that bad getting another, just realize you're still exposed to all the BS you don't really need to know.

Higgs is also making the transition.

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Re: Brunswick SRO careers?
« Reply #3 on: Jul 19, 2012, 11:05 »
Thanks for the replies.  As far as limiting myself to just BWRs, well thats not necessarily it.  My wife's family lives somewhat close that plant.  I am actually most interested in transitioning to AP1000 - that would put me at VC Summer.  BY coincidence, they are hiring now for SRO...

Does anyone know how the area around VC Summer is to live?  Does anyone know what they pay?



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Re: Brunswick SRO careers?
« Reply #4 on: Jul 19, 2012, 03:23 »
Can't speak about the SRO pay.  If you wanted to talk about QA ......

As far as the area, I live in Irmo.  Little town of about 12,000, about a 20 minute drive to the site.  Several towns around the same size, all within 20 - 40 minutes drive from the site.

Columbia is about a 30 minute drive from the site, non-rush hour.  Rush hour, more ;D

Gas right now is $3.01/gallon.

Housing is way cheaper than the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, for comparison.  I bought a 2100 sq. foot house in Va. Beach, cost around $270,000.  New construction 4,200 sq. foot house in the subdivision I am in, $267,000.

Benefits are very good, environment (i.e. people) is great, smaller company, more people focused.  Higher pay other places overall, but much less in the benefit area.

Hope these small tidbits help out some.  Best of luck :)

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Re: Brunswick SRO careers?
« Reply #5 on: Aug 14, 2012, 05:23 »
Thanks a bunch for the info.  Big help.

Offline redline

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Re: Brunswick SRO careers?
« Reply #6 on: Aug 14, 2012, 08:00 »
Brunswick is on a little bit of a hiring blitz right now. Good time to check the Duke website often. They are filling long vacant spots Progress wouldn't allow pre-merger.

Chances are good that if you hire on at VC Summer you can transfer to Brunswick if you like. Take a look at Duke service area and you'll see that SCANA is an obvious next target. And it's small enough that Duke can just buy it if they want to!

Offline STGN

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Re: Brunswick SRO careers?
« Reply #7 on: Aug 14, 2012, 08:52 »
While Duke may have the financial resources to "just buy" SCANA, I'd bet good money that they would have a lot of trouble gaining approval from the various state utility commissions and other required approvals after the pump fake they did by ousting the new Duke (formerly Progress) CEO two hours after they merger was approved.  It appears to me that some of the approving agencies felt misled and are a little more than upset about it. 

The Duke nuclear fleet now consists of McGuire, Catawba, Oconee, Robinson, Harris, Brunswick, and the ailing Crystal River (which may or may not ever operate again).  Transfer within these sites, and perhaps the General Office is likely very doable, but I'm doubtful that a transfer to a non-owned site is achievable at this time.  It is a rather large coverage area though, so one could likely choose to live in an area they like with greater ease.


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