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Author Topic: Virtual Nuke Plant for training and Pre job Briefs  (Read 9198 times)

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Offline jwreezy1

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Was wondering if anyone at other plants have 3d modeling of their respective plant on a tablet or PC to use for Pre job briefs and training. It seems the new generation learns how the plant works better with animation and software interaction. I would also like to hear about how operator rounds are taken. My plant currently uses HP handhelds with AutoTour software. I was interested in updating to smartphones or tablets where lesson plans and systems drawings could be recalled in the field to assist with the learning process. Thanks for the input in advance.

Offline STGN

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Re: Virtual Nuke Plant for training and Pre job Briefs
« Reply #1 on: Nov 10, 2012, 03:26 »
Our NEO's use a handheld computer for rounds with the AutoTour software as well.  There have been some rumors about trying to get something a little different that might also have a camera in it so they could take pictures of equipment deficiencies such as leaks and reference the location (or if possibly link directly to them) in work requests and our corrective action program.  It is felt that such things could help monitor if something is degrading since the same NEO may not have the same watch station all the time.

At present, our PJB's are mostly already made up for routine jobs.  We simply print one off and ensure we go over what is required.  Typically the OE they contain may be useful since we have a lot of new people, but is sometimes dated.  We don't have any 3d modeling of systems.  The closest we come is that in some training power points, there is a little modeling done.  We do use a lot of drawings in training that are full color that show the basic system along with setpoints, interlocks, etc, that most people find useful.  This information is not available in the field via the handhelds and the training documents all have a "for training use only" disclaimer.  The training material is available online and can be readily referenced.

Offline CT-Mike

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Re: Virtual Nuke Plant for training and Pre job Briefs
« Reply #2 on: Nov 16, 2012, 06:30 »
We use a windows based handheld that has a built-in camera. Makes it easy when a PEO needs to document a deficiency.

To answer the original question we don't have any computer modeling software to use for PJB's.
« Last Edit: Nov 16, 2012, 06:31 by CT-Mike »

Offline risterbl

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Re: Virtual Nuke Plant for training and Pre job Briefs
« Reply #3 on: Dec 13, 2012, 05:45 »
I work for a company that does a lot of outage support and we use 3D models for our pre job briefs prior to any critical operations (head lifts, upper and lower internals removal) that are specific to each plant.  The models are displayed immediately after the pre job briefs.  Thus far the process has been very helpful for all involved.  If you want more info on how we do it sent me a message.


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Re: Virtual Nuke Plant for training and Pre job Briefs
« Reply #4 on: Mar 29, 2013, 03:47 »
Was wondering if anyone at other plants have 3d modeling of their respective plant on a tablet or PC to use for Pre job briefs and training. It seems the new generation learns how the plant works better with animation and software interaction. I would also like to hear about how operator rounds are taken. My plant currently uses HP handhelds with AutoTour software. I was interested in updating to smartphones or tablets where lesson plans and systems drawings could be recalled in the field to assist with the learning process. Thanks for the input in advance.

What kinds of tablets do you want to update to? IPAD or samsung?

Offline jwreezy1

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Re: Virtual Nuke Plant for training and Pre job Briefs
« Reply #5 on: Apr 25, 2013, 11:39 »
Which ever one is the most user friendly.


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