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Offline kwanpen

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NRC past exams
« on: Nov 19, 2012, 03:31 »
Where can i find old NRC exam from NRC website?

is there a link to all exams?

Offline Higgs

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Re: NRC past exams
« Reply #1 on: Nov 19, 2012, 03:51 »
Depends on what you're looking for.

If you mean the generic fundamentals exams, yes, they are all in one place.

Go to the following link and you will see "Generic Fundamentals Examinations" on the right, broken up by type of power reactor. Under each link, you can find the entire exam bank, or individual exams.

Furthermore, for generic fundamentals, here is an excellent site for generating your own quizzes;

If you're talking about licensing exams, that is a different story. They are in the NRC library, but they aren't bundled up in a nice package like generic fundamentals. You have to search the ADAMs database for what you're looking for. And it isn't easy, or intuitive. It took me a few hours to find the last 5 exams my station put out.

Good luck, hope that helps.

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Offline Raihan

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Re: NRC past exams
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2021, 10:54 »
Where can i find old NRC exam from NRC website?

is there a link to all exams?

It depends on what type of exams you are looking for. FOR GFE exams, the NRC posts them on their website as some people mentioned. If you want to practice, you can go to AllenMurrow's website.
But if you are referring to NRC Final exam, they are also available on their website but not as organized as the GFE ones. You have to find them specific to site. If you want to view and practice PWR 4-Looper NRC Final RO and SRO exams, you can also visit the following website specifically created for PWR 4-Looper in Region IV (USA):

This website is very similar to the one created by Allen. It has all the previous and publicly available questions. The Exam simulator has built-in AI to aid you to track your weaknesses and goals. It allows all the features Allen has on his website for GFE and few more.
Hope this helps.

Offline Raihan

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Re: NRC past exams
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2021, 10:59 »
Depends on what you're looking for.

If you mean the generic fundamentals exams, yes, they are all in one place.

Go to the following link and you will see "Generic Fundamentals Examinations" on the right, broken up by type of power reactor. Under each link, you can find the entire exam bank, or individual exams.

Furthermore, for generic fundamentals, here is an excellent site for generating your own quizzes;

If you're talking about licensing exams, that is a different story. They are in the NRC library, but they aren't bundled up in a nice package like generic fundamentals. You have to search the ADAMs database for what you're looking for. And it isn't easy, or intuitive. It took me a few hours to find the last 5 exams my station put out.

Good luck, hope that helps.


There are few more additions to this as years have passed. If you want to view and practice PWR 4-Looper NRC Final RO and SRO exams, you can also visit the following website specifically created for PWR 4-Loopers for a Region IV site:

This website is very similar to the one created by AllenMurrow as you stated. It has all the previous and publicly available questions on NRC web. The Exam simulator has built-in AI to aid you to track your AFIs goals and many more.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 11:00 by Raihan »


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