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Author Topic: ACOD on my PHQ  (Read 4468 times)

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Offline Runner117

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ACOD on my PHQ
« on: Apr 02, 2013, 10:53 »
I was hired for a co-op position by a nuclear company in the north east, and need to soon hand in my PHQ form and begin the in-processing procedure. The only thing that could possibly show up on a background check was a ACOD (Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal) for pedit larceny, which is now over a year old. I am assuming that I have to check "Yes" as to whether I was ever arrested, but beyond that the charge was cleared off my record and it should be like it never happened at all. I was wondering if anyone else has experience with something like this, and if I should be worried or not about being granted UA... Any information would be very appreciated.   


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Re: ACOD on my PHQ
« Reply #1 on: Apr 02, 2013, 05:35 »
Replied to your pm


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