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Author Topic: Foreclosure impact on Nuclear Site Access and Q Clearance  (Read 6698 times)

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Offline kaconns

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I am anticipating two job offers and am wondering what impact a recent foreclosure will have on access.

1.  Q or L clearance required.  From what I've read online so far, I most likely wouldn't be given the clearance with a recent foreclosure.
2.  Nuclear Power Plant Site Access required.  Job is doing mod packages for a utility.  Haven't found much info on the likelihood of utilities rejecting based on foreclosure.

Does anyone have any insight to either of the above?

For context I bought a house right out of college, got laid off during downturn (2009), found job in another state and couldn't maintain the house as a rental.


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Re: Foreclosure impact on Nuclear Site Access and Q Clearance
« Reply #1 on: Jun 16, 2013, 11:21 »
Just be 100% honest, your L will come way before your Q. Everybody makes mistakes they know that, do not try to lie to anybody, if your going for a Q they will find out what little league team you played for


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Re: Foreclosure impact on Nuclear Site Access and Q Clearance
« Reply #2 on: Jun 16, 2013, 04:49 »
This will pertain to #2 since I'm not 100% sure of DOE's requirements but I'm sure they are pretty similar to the nuclear world. DOE just go back farther in your history and as Black said they will find out what little league team you played on. Foreclosures, bad credit, repos and those types of issues don't have as much impact as they may have at one time -- unless you just showed an obvious lack of care in repayment or tons of tax liens or judgments.

You will definitely need to give a good explanation as to why you had your house foreclosed (lost job.. cost too much.. etc etc) on and what you plan to do to fix that issue so it doesn't reoccur in the future. Obviously when the market collapsed there were and still are a lot of people who are trying to recover from it. I promise you, there are many people in the nuke world -- and I'm sure the DOE world that have foreclosures in their histories. As long as you don't have a crazy criminal history and everything turns up okay you will be fine. I don't think DOE will be too far off from that same criteria.

Good luck!

Offline kaconns

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Re: Foreclosure impact on Nuclear Site Access and Q Clearance
« Reply #3 on: Jun 18, 2013, 06:39 »
A quick update. I have the offer from option 1. I asked specifically about foreclosure impact on clearance and the recruiter said it shouldn't be an issue as long as I disclose.

I'd rather have the option 1 job based on type of work and location but I'm still nervous about relocating with a risk of my clearance getting denied.


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Re: Foreclosure impact on Nuclear Site Access and Q Clearance
« Reply #4 on: Jun 19, 2013, 04:48 »
A quick update. I have the offer from option 1. I asked specifically about foreclosure impact on clearance and the recruiter said it shouldn't be an issue as long as I disclose.

I'd rather have the option 1 job based on type of work and location but I'm still nervous about relocating with a risk of my clearance getting denied.

I truly doubt it will be a huge issue. I think it would be safe to simply put off relocation until you know you have the job and like it. May be inconvenient for the short term but at least you don't jump into something you aren't 100% sure of.

My best guess is you will get in just fine as long as the rest of your history is clear.


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