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Author Topic: How long after a job posting closes should I respect a response?  (Read 14502 times)

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Hello all.

Applied for a position posted on  It was an entry level position and I thought I was a good fit, but of course I'm new to nuke so what do I know.  Job posting closed on 6/10/2013.

After submitting my online ap, got the Email saying  a recruiter would contact if I met the qualifications.

Should I assume since I haven't heard anything by now that I wasn't considered a match?

It was a I&EIII position and I'm a former submarine Navy ET (non-nuke).  I was excited about the opportunity and I'm still holding out hope.

Also, if a position calls for an Associates degree (in Electronics), but I have a BS in Computer Info Systems and 8 years Navy ET experience... but not the desired Associates, should I go out and get the additional degree? 

Any advice appreciated.


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Hello all.

Applied for a position posted on  It was an entry level position and I thought I was a good fit, but of course I'm new to nuke so what do I know.  Job posting closed on 6/10/2013.

After submitting my online ap, got the Email saying  a recruiter would contact if I met the qualifications.

Should I assume since I haven't heard anything by now that I wasn't considered a match?

It was a I&EIII position and I'm a former submarine Navy ET (non-nuke).  I was excited about the opportunity and I'm still holding out hope.

Also, if a position calls for an Associates degree (in Electronics), but I have a BS in Computer Info Systems and 8 years Navy ET experience... but not the desired Associates, should I go out and get the additional degree? 

Any advice appreciated.
You might still be in the running.... Then again you might not be .... That's what my telekinetic powers are telling me

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Hello all.

Applied for a position posted on  It was an entry level position and I thought I was a good fit, but of course I'm new to nuke so what do I know.  Job posting closed on 6/10/2013.

After submitting my online ap, got the Email saying  a recruiter would contact if I met the qualifications.

Should I assume since I haven't heard anything by now that I wasn't considered a match?

It was a I&EIII position and I'm a former submarine Navy ET (non-nuke).  I was excited about the opportunity and I'm still holding out hope.

Also, if a position calls for an Associates degree (in Electronics), but I have a BS in Computer Info Systems and 8 years Navy ET experience... but not the desired Associates, should I go out and get the additional degree?  

Any advice appreciated.

I don't know anything specific to Duke, but it's sometimes a glacially slow process with nuclear Human Resources departments.  I wouldn't sweat that you haven't heard anything yet.  If you get too stressed out waiting, call them and ask, but..

As far as your qualifications, I'd think the associates would be a waste of time.  The ET time, esp. coupled with a (semi-)related degree, should be enough to get you in the door most places.  If you find out you didn't make the cut this time...and have your heart set on Duke, then you might talk to their HR department and ask whether they consider the associates an actual requirement.

Good luck.  :)
« Last Edit: Jun 20, 2013, 04:08 by UncaBuffalo »
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins

Offline jams723

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Hello all.

Applied for a position posted on  It was an entry level position and I thought I was a good fit, but of course I'm new to nuke so what do I know.  Job posting closed on 6/10/2013.

After submitting my online ap, got the Email saying  a recruiter would contact if I met the qualifications.

Should I assume since I haven't heard anything by now that I wasn't considered a match?

It was a I&EIII position and I'm a former submarine Navy ET (non-nuke).  I was excited about the opportunity and I'm still holding out hope.

Also, if a position calls for an Associates degree (in Electronics), but I have a BS in Computer Info Systems and 8 years Navy ET experience... but not the desired Associates, should I go out and get the additional degree? 

Any advice appreciated.

I applied for a position with Duke one time, I was highly qualified and received an interview and an offer.  It was about 6 weeks from the closing of the posting untill I was first contacted to set up an interview.

But that was years ago and only one data point.


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Thank you Jams723 and UncaBuffalo for taking the time to answer my question. 

Hearing the 6 week comment gives me hope still, as it's only been just under 4 weeks at this point.

A follow up question I have is this.... what kind of questions would they be asking for an entry level I&EIII position during any tests/interviews?

Reason I ask is, as I stated in my original post, I'm a former Navy Electronics Tech, but it's been almost 9 years since I've worked in the industry.  I've been hitting the books trying to refamiliarize myself with the industry.  Obviously theres a lot.  Is there anything I should be focusing on specifically?

To date I've mostly been re-learning the formulas in electronic math.

Offline UncaBuffalo

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Thank you Jams723 and UncaBuffalo for taking the time to answer my question.  

Hearing the 6 week comment gives me hope still, as it's only been just under 4 weeks at this point.

A follow up question I have is this.... what kind of questions would they be asking for an entry level I&EIII position during any tests/interviews?

Reason I ask is, as I stated in my original post, I'm a former Navy Electronics Tech, but it's been almost 9 years since I've worked in the industry.  I've been hitting the books trying to refamiliarize myself with the industry.  Obviously theres a lot.  Is there anything I should be focusing on specifically?

To date I've mostly been re-learning the formulas in electronic math.,14986.msg86020.html#msg86020,14986.msg88158.html#msg88158
« Last Edit: Jul 10, 2013, 04:56 by UncaBuffalo »
We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.      - B. Baggins


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Don't wait on the recruiters to get could be a year or never. Move on and be surprised when they call. Waiting on someone to call is a dead end.


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