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I like Nuclear Power cause

Pay and Benefits
42 (37.5%)
10 (8.9%)
Friends and/or Family
4 (3.6%)
Regulated Workplace
1 (0.9%)
Interesting work, not boring
41 (36.6%)
The Stress
5 (4.5%)
Hide & Seek, 1K$/week
9 (8%)

Total Members Voted: 40

Author Topic: Why I like Nuclear Power  (Read 38728 times)

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Offline Turbo

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #25 on: Oct 15, 2006, 07:33 »
Because I get to play with radioactive stuff every day and they pay me to do it.  I love this field would'nt go back to the real world for anything.


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #26 on: Oct 15, 2006, 08:41 »
How about all of the above...except the pay.  (What pay and benefits???...Another subject i guess) The people are awesome, job interesting at times, travel is fun.  Things the workers do never cease to amaze me (boundary....what boundary).  Things fellow techs do never cease to amaze me (I swear it was clean!)  Things the house wants u to do never cease to amaze me (Its an ARA....but the air samples clean....still an ARA).  Anyway...just my 2 cents.  Fellow rock!!!!

Offline tigger

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #27 on: Oct 17, 2006, 01:03 »
I would definately have to say the people. I don't think I have ever had a truely bad day in 6 years of doing this. I may have bad moments, but never a whole bad day. There is always someone or something to laugh at or with, how ever you may look at it, you make some great friends (atomic frog and wife are my favorites!), and the care people show when something bad does happen to a person or family member.
The pay is a great benefit, locations.... Florida, my kids loved getting to come down and take a mini vacation to the keys, and while outage hours are long and tiring, the other time doing other things is great. (Was nursing during non-outage times, now a permanant nuke worker).


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #28 on: Oct 20, 2006, 08:39 »
Although interesting (my vote) I think addictive is a better word. I entered nuclear to work one outage as a change of pace.....10 years later and I can't give it up and really don't want to.

The people are great, the pay is getting better every year, the entertainment is non-stop, I choose where and when I want to I could give that up for a 'real job' in that 'other world'

I met the love of my life on my third outage and we have been together ever since.  I love working with him and I think it would have been much harder to have a relationship with someone outside of this business with all of the traveling involved.

Nope---can't give it up, love it too much!!


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #29 on: Nov 29, 2006, 04:16 »
I must admit I got into this field based on the "promise" that I would be traveling on only 25% of the time.  What they didn't tell me was that the 25% would be all at once.

15 years later I can say that I would not have it any other way.  Where else can you work with interesting people?  I have got to see parts of the country I wouldn't have seen otherwise.

What more can I say???


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #30 on: Apr 19, 2007, 06:29 »
In al seriousness,  its the people and the places.  I hate being away (even though I do manage to relax a bit more away from home) (you have five daughters and a wife all on the same cycle... TAMPAX loves me)  I do enjoy the people I have met and worked with / for.

Even in the gritty places, I have made some good friends.  And would ( and have) gone back to work there again.

Heck... I even call Spanky a friend.... and he snores  :P

Offline RDTroja

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #31 on: Apr 20, 2007, 08:20 »
The people. The places. The stories to tell. And the looks on peoples faces when I tell them what I do for a living. Always a conversation starter (after you get past the 'glow in the dark' comments.) Sometimes a friendly conversation, sometimes not so friendly, but always an opportunity to educate.

Oh, yes... the opportunity to do and see some pretty cool things that others don't get to experience. I will never forget the first time I walked into a containment building, teletector in hand thinking I had just walked onto a science fiction movie set (before Star Wars came out so I didn't have that reference.) And the first time I saw a fuel bundle removed from the core, or the time we turned out the lights at IP2 with the core partially off-loaded and the cherenkov glow shimmering on the sides of the SG bays. You can't adequately describe that stuff to someone that hasn't seen it.

And then there were the '70s and the parties that we lived through somehow...
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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #32 on: Apr 20, 2007, 08:37 »
The seventies and early eighties are still a little fuzzy, can you let me know if I missed anything?
Still swinging a meter and loving it.

Halcyon Daze

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #33 on: Apr 21, 2007, 07:29 »
(after you get past the 'glow in the dark' comments.)
I'm sure our responses to that one could, in themselves, be the subject of a highly-censorable thread

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #34 on: Apr 21, 2007, 08:27 »
I'm sure our responses to that one could, in themselves, be the subject of a highly-censorable thread

yinz think der'd be a large response two this?  eye don't sea it that weigh.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #35 on: Apr 25, 2007, 12:55 »
I gotta admit it.

It's all about the chicks.



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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #36 on: Apr 25, 2007, 04:28 »
I gotta admit it.

It's all about the chicks.


There's what, 2 or 3% compared to 97% guys? ;)


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #37 on: Apr 25, 2007, 07:00 »
I must admit that I am not too enthralled about the current fleet of nuclear power plants.  However, that is due to my income being derived from digging up past "incidents".  Since these are minimized today, and the research for the current and future fleets is lacking in a "wild and wooly" approach it would appear that this future work generation has ceased.  In addition, the current spate of license extensions will curtail the mothballing and near future D&D of the old ladies of the fleet. 


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #38 on: Apr 25, 2007, 07:23 »
Hey AA   there is always work out here to be had.  Its just where and if you want to go to it.

I am just doing outages until the next big dig kicks off... hopefully Gore Oklahoma for me.

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #39 on: Apr 25, 2007, 10:04 »
I am just doing outages until the next big dig kicks off... hopefully Gore Oklahoma for me.

Is that preferable to Clinton, IL?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #40 on: Apr 25, 2007, 10:33 »
Is that preferable to Clinton, IL?

For me it is... practically in my back yard.  As for Illinois... I dont know if I will ever be working in that state.... the scheduling just has not clicked....


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #41 on: Apr 26, 2007, 01:04 »
I gotta admit it.

It's all about the chicks.

Hate to tell you, but that's not a chick on your shoulder.


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #42 on: Apr 26, 2007, 06:18 »
Hate to tell you, but that's not a chick on your shoulder.

Nope, that's a beeotch.


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #43 on: Jun 10, 2007, 09:58 »
'Cause in the drywell... NO ONE can hear you scream... or at least its so hot that they don't even bother coming to help you.

Offline Turbo

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #44 on: Jun 20, 2007, 02:02 »
The work is almost always interesting, I don't do any traveling because I'm a house guy but the people that show up for outages are normally great and have alot of knowledge.  The pay and benefits are awesome considering my educational background.  And \ some of the stuff we get to do and see is unique to anything else anywhere else period.  I would'nt trade doin this for anything it is a great way to make a living no questions asked.

Iced Tiger

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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #45 on: Jun 20, 2007, 02:10 »
I like it because they give me a reactor to play with just like Homer. ;D


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Re: Why I like Nuclear Power
« Reply #46 on: Jun 20, 2007, 10:14 »
interesting work,and alot a crazy people. the moneys is decent also,beni's suck though


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