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Possibility of unescorted access
« on: Sep 27, 2013, 06:32 »
I would like people's opinion of the possibility of gaining unescorted access with the following history. 

I previously had access, but it lapsed 6 years ago.  It was not for cause, but because I quite the job that required it.  However since then the following has occurred.  1.5 years ago I got a DUI, which was dismissed after completing the diversion program.  6 year ago I received a citation for public intoxication (not a misdemeanor).  Already in my PADS profile is a misdemeanor DUI in 2001 and a misdemeanor public intoxication in 1997.

Will this absolutely deny me access?  Is there anything I should do to increase my shot?


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Re: Possibility of unescorted access
« Reply #1 on: Oct 01, 2013, 01:32 »
Well first off anything drug/alcohol related in the past 5 years constitutes a mandatory interview with the psych/mro and you will also have to have a substance abuse evaluation done (out of pocket expense.. typically done off site by a certified counselor).

With that being said you probably won't really like what else I have to say. I'm not judging whether or not you have any substance abuse issues but I only try to give my honest opinion and any facts that I can to the situation. You say you received a citation for public intoxication but that it wasn't a misdemeanor. So I'm not sure if that means you got a felony charge with it? If not, then it was definitely a misdemeanor it has to be one or the other. Regardless public intox is considered a drug/alcohol offense in the nuclear world so that doesn't help your case either.

Basically whoever does your background is going to see this and it doesn't really bode well for you.

1997 - Public Intox
2001 - DUI
2007 - Public Intox
2011 - DUI

I honestly don't think you will get in even with a positive substance abuse evaluation. I don't know of any psychs/mro's I work with who would give you a recommendation to be approved access simply because of your history with alcohol.

As I tell everyone nothing is completely the same at every utility. There are certain NRC regulations that must be met but some are more lenient than others when it comes to certain offenses and what they can allow. My suggestion would be to wait till the DUI has passed 5 years, stay out of trouble and get a substance abuse evaluation done before you try to gain access in the future. I believe if you try to gain access now you will only add to your problem by receiving a denial of access.

Good luck let me know if you have anymore questions


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