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Author Topic: Navy Reactors Engineer EVIP trip only for tier 1 and 2 schools  (Read 5335 times)

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Offline dwsmith

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My question is in regards to the NR slot in the NUPOC process and school tiers.  First, I will provide some background so there is some context.  I am a graduate student who is working on a MS in Mechanical Engineering, and I currently hold a BS in Mathematics and BS in Finance.  According to NR my undergraduate institution is a tier 4 school, but my graduate school is tier 1 or tier 2.  Since my undergraduate degree is from a tier 4 school, I can't go on the EVIP trip, but I can still apply for NR engineer.

How important is the trip for applicant selection as a NR engineer?

Now, here is where I am very perplexed by the fact I can't go on the trip.  Undergraduate students who are Juniors and Seniors are allowed to apply for NUPOC.  If they go to a tier 1 or 2 school, they can go on the EVIP trip.  These students don't have a degree but just attend a school.  I have a degree and I am attending a school a tier 1 or 2 school as a graduate student, but  I can't go on the trip though.  This is practically the same scenario, but I am at a more advanced level.  How does this make sense?

If the logic of why I can't go is because my undergraduate school wasn't "good" in their eyes, then how am I able to earn a 3.6+ GPA at the institution I am at now, considering my original education was sub par?  Additionally, I have a math degree with no undergraduate engineering background, and I have completed all my MS ME course work with said GPA.  I am only at the thesis phase now.  Again, how did I get so far if I am not that good?

One more caveat, I started my graduate career as a PhD student in Math until it became apparent applied math means pure math with a sprinkle of applied on the side.  That is why I switched to a MS in ME.  All I need is 3 classes to get a MS in Applied Math and 2 classes (which are part of 3) to take my qualifiers to advance to PhD.  That is, I have a pretty solid math background especially in ODEs and PDEs both linear and nonlinear and Fourier Series.

Why am I being told I am not good enough to go on an EVIP trip when a junior or senior without a degree is?


Undergrad GPA = 3.65

Undergrad math GPA = 3.77

Grad math GPA = 3.76

Grad ME GPA = 3.63

Grad GPA = 3.6 but will be 3.7 upon graduation
« Last Edit: Apr 01, 2014, 04:29 by dwsmith »

Offline maroon

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Some thoughts:
1.  NR hires very few NR Engineers, so they can afford to be picky on who they invite for consideration. 
2.  NR won't invite someone on the EVIP trip unless they have some interest in them (undergrad or grad).
3.  Have you submitted your full application yet?  If not, you should still do that so NR can see your "whole person" before they make a final decision on whether or not they will invite you.  If they are interested in you, they can make an EVIP trip happen.
4.  NR Engineers typically have GPA's of 3.8 and higher in engineering programs from prestigious schools. Your GPA is on the low side. 
5.  The NR Engineer program is designed for people coming in at the Bachelor's level, so they typically want people with a solid broad undergraduate engineering background.  Some graduate degree programs have a more narrow scope (if more in depth) than the undergraduate degree, so this may not overcome the fact that you didn't do a full bachelor's engineering program.
6.  If they say no, you could try applying again after your Masters is complete and see if they change their mind.
7.  Again, and most importantly, NR can afford to be picky on the NR Engineers they hire.  You look very competitive for a Submarine or Instructor Officer position if you would consider that.

Offline dwsmith

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During last months phone call (all of nuke recruiting or just the northeast), my recruiter brought up not taking tier 4 (undergrad degree holder) students (in grad programs at tier 2 or higher) on the EVIP trip because there are 3 I know of who were rejected--2 Graduate students at MIT and 1 at UVM.  So I don't think they bend at inviting people for the EVIP trips that have prior schooling at a tier 4 school no matter where you are at which is why I am perplexed by the matter.

I have submitted my application.  I am just waiting on a phone interview.  

Info on your point 2: Also, I was original scheduled (orders and flight) for the EVIP trip until they saw my undergrad institute.  Then I was kicked off of it.

Info on your point 3: Since I was original invited, there must have been interested.  The next day after I had the ticket and orders schedule and e-mailed to me, my recruiter called and said it is a no go now do to my undergrad school.

Info on 6:  I will be 31 in May so I don't think I should wait.  I had to get an age waiver, but my recruiter said that the age waiver wasn't an issue since I am prior service.   I had my DD 368 signed in December for transfer to the Navy.
« Last Edit: Apr 02, 2014, 03:10 by dwsmith »

Offline maroon

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If you're contacted for a phone interview by a nuclear officer, then you're on track, and shouldn't need to worry about the EVIP.

However, if they changed their mind on you for the EVIP upon seeing your undergraduate background, it's possible that they could have also changed their mind on doing a phone interview with you.  You may want to follow up with your recruiter to verify you are still on the phone interview list, especially if you've been waiting for more than a few weeks.


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