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Author Topic: what is an acceptable offer for entering SRO training?  (Read 8359 times)

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Offline bwrworker

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Hello all,

Looking for some benchmarking info....trying to be respectful and modest at the same time so bear with me. I believe soon I will receive an offer to join the next available direct SRO initial licensing class at my company. Can anyone provide useful data on what a good offer would be? Specifically w.r.t. starting salary.

Thanks in advance.

Offline ChiefRocscooter

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Re: what is an acceptable offer for entering SRO training?
« Reply #1 on: Apr 11, 2014, 10:21 »
Sorry, but did you really think someone would post that on here?  Ask for a PM maybe (doubtful but .....maybe).  Beside unless you post the name of your site, your time with the company, your qualifications, and half a dozen other thing you would never post how would anyone on here know what to say? (unless of course they are a direct at your site)  Why not go ask a few SRO's at work maybe one of them will give you a "answer" that is allowed, keep it general else wise go try or some other generic site maybe an SRO posted his salary on there, but remember they all get paid different sums based on many things.
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Offline bwrworker

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Re: what is an acceptable offer for entering SRO training?
« Reply #2 on: Apr 13, 2014, 01:36 »
I apologize. I thought everyone on this site was fairly mature and educated. Appears that is a poor assumption. I was just looking for a general range.


Offline Marlin

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Re: what is an acceptable offer for entering SRO training?
« Reply #3 on: Apr 13, 2014, 02:40 »
Sorry, but did you really think someone would post that on here?  Ask for a PM maybe (doubtful but .....maybe).  Beside unless you post the name of your site, your time with the company, your qualifications, and half a dozen other thing you would never post how would anyone on here know what to say? (unless of course they are a direct at your site)  Why not go ask a few SRO's at work maybe one of them will give you a "answer" that is allowed, keep it general else wise go try or some other generic site maybe an SRO posted his salary on there, but remember they all get paid different sums based on many things.
[chill] [chill] [chill]

I apologize. I thought everyone on this site was fairly mature and educated. Appears that is a poor assumption. I was just looking for a general range.

[chill] [chill] [chill]

From an article two years ago, but pay bands and pay package varies plant to plant.

10.) Senior Reactor Operator
Median Salary: $85,426

A Senior reactor operator is responsible for making sure the plant runs in accordance to regulations. They are responsible for managing and operating the plant's mechanical, electrical and reactor systems, and ensuring the plant operates safely on all levels.

A high school diploma is required, as well as up to five years of work experience and previous training. In addition, applicants are required to possess a valid U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reactor Operator license. A Bachelor's degree may also be required.

Offline a|F

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Re: what is an acceptable offer for entering SRO training?
« Reply #4 on: Apr 13, 2014, 04:55 »
I apologize. I thought everyone on this site was fairly mature and educated. Appears that is a poor assumption. I was just looking for a general range.


What a crappy statement from someone who's looking for help.  Your own maturity shown through.  If you can't learn to ignore or not comment on statements you disagree with, you are in for a tough career as an SRO.  

Most utilities are starting direct SRO's in the $90-100k range.  Good luck.
« Last Edit: Apr 13, 2014, 04:57 by a|F »

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: what is an acceptable offer for entering SRO training?
« Reply #5 on: Apr 14, 2014, 10:32 »
One of the questions regarding salary, is whether there are built-in raises.

For example, I have seen classes hired in a little low ($85K range), but with a raise after GFES, another raise after systems, and a raise after audit. That should take the candidate to 95-98% of licensed pay at the end...

Now, I am not a rat that would give out someone else's salary. But if a FOIA was already received by a local news source, I would tell you to look for the TVA title

Spec,SRO (Dev)

and a good place to look would be this local e-fishwrap site:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Offline ChiefRocscooter

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Re: what is an acceptable offer for entering SRO training?
« Reply #6 on: Apr 14, 2014, 09:52 »
I apologize. I thought everyone on this site was fairly mature and educated. Appears that is a poor assumption. I was just looking for a general range.


Sorry  if I hurt your feeling, but what I posted still holds as the basic truth, regardless of you feel about it.   Maybe my answer was a little hard nosed but asking for "what a good offer would be" provides little to base any such assumption upon.  So perhaps you were looking to compound your poor assumption with someone else's poor assumption about you to get a numbers that could be spot on ... or totally useless, you pick.  Luckily someone knew a place to get you a list of many peoples pay and if you can correlate their time/position to your perhaps you can get a valid number (assuming you work for TVA in 2011 ;D).

Lastly let me provide a note caution to you about asking question on the internet, ask a broad question with little information and you can expect answers that provide information of corresponding value.  My recommendation in the answer still holds true, your best and most likely correct answer is to be had at your site from an SRO who was/is direct!

Now as to the name calling well let me express that;
1. At least I knew (was edumcated enuff :P) where to get the answer to that question without broadcasting it on the internet.
2. I have been doing nuclear power long enough (read somewhat mature, at least by calendar standards) to know that you need to validate assumptions before relying on them for information or decision making processes.  Five min of reading on this site should have cleared that up for you.
3 Finally if your saying I am dumb and immature.... well I know you are but what am I! :P   

By the way good luck with your offer, hopefully you get it and then you can spend more time worrying about Tech Specs than what some meanie said to you on the web ;) 
Being adept at being adaptable I look forward to every new challenge!


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