No, I'm not aware of it either
But for the sake of argument, how fast would such a thing cool down?
Are you guys able to calculate or guesstimate something like that? The only numbers I've seen show that the whole reactor would be down to under 1% of its thermal output after a day. Would that apply to individual rods too or is there some kind of cumulative effect when they are together?
While I was working at TMI, post accident, we de-fueled the reactor using underwater tools and
would cut up bunches of damaged rods and stuff them into cannisters (all underwater, through a slot in a
shielded platform that sat where the Rx Head normally did). Once in a while a section of fuel rod would
break the surface of the water, (awakening the tech due to alarms going off

) While they were quickly
lowered (or kicked) back into the water, I never saw any glowing of any kind... although the soiling of underwear was another matter...
This was in 1988-89 timeframe, so approx 10 yrs after accident.