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Author Topic: Worth acquiring skills in nuclear D&D???  (Read 9389 times)

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Offline skv

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Worth acquiring skills in nuclear D&D???
« on: May 29, 2014, 12:27 »
I am a currently employed nuclear engineer (not at a power plant). I have an advanced degree in Nucl Engg and my current work focuses on reactor safety (thermal-hydraulics/neutronics/core and safety system design), accident consequence analyses, PRA and licensing support.

I am thinking about broadening my skill set and thereby my employment opportunities. Given the current (unfortunate) state of the nuclear industry, I was thinking of acquiring some training on the opposite end of my current work which made me think about D&D. I found out about a training course from Argonne National Laboratory on D&D. I do not know if the course is worth it (I will be paying out of my pocket) and would appreciate candid answers to the following questions to help me make a better decision. Any other details/input is also appreciated.

1. I have no current background, experience or knowledge of D&D. Will a training course be considered an asset on a resume? What would be some of the D&D related employment options that would be open to me after the training course? I understand that experience is key but its the old "catch-22" situation for someone like me. If a training course will not be taken seriously in the industry, what is a better way to proceed to gain knowledge and experience.

2. Are there any areas of D&D where my current experience and background can be an asset?

3. Is part-time/contract work possible in the D&D field or is full-time employment the only option? If contract work is available, can it be done as a second job (i.e. while not leaving the current one).

Given my intent, if you believe that I should not even be looking at D&D please say so. 

Thanks a lot.

Offline btkeele

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Re: Worth acquiring skills in nuclear D&D???
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2014, 08:29 »
I think anytime you can gain training or experience you are investing in yourself... If you have the time and the money, I would say to go for it. 
I have thought about it myself, just cannot find the time right now.


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Re: Worth acquiring skills in nuclear D&D???
« Reply #2 on: Jun 02, 2014, 12:21 »
Try these links:

D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool


Nuclear Street

USACE and EPA maintain D&D project lists

D&D Training  (free)


Good Luck

BA 8) 8) 8)

Offline GLW

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Re: Worth acquiring skills in nuclear D&D???
« Reply #3 on: Jun 02, 2014, 01:16 »
I am a currently employed nuclear engineer (not at a power plant). I have an advanced degree in Nucl Engg and my current work focuses on reactor safety (thermal-hydraulics/neutronics/core and safety system design), accident consequence analyses, PRA and licensing support.....

Your best fit is with these guys:

You do not want course work, you want employment at the advanced, professional level,...

Well, you may want course work, I cannot know what you really want, but presupposing you want gainful employment with an employer which can develop your skill set to include several facets of decommissioning plus, the networking that will avail you of opportunities to move onward and upward then, ORAU is a strong, if not the strongest, contender for your future mobility and lucrative compensation,...

You may have to get used to travelling to achieve that goal because every day that you are on a DnD project you are working yourself out of a job,...

DnD is no country for homesteaders,....

feel free to PM, Enjoy the Day,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline skv

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Re: Worth acquiring skills in nuclear D&D???
« Reply #4 on: Jun 03, 2014, 01:45 »
Thanks a lot for the information. I will check out the links and the material therein, especially ORAU. I am glad I found this forum and posted here. I had been asking around with no luck.

GLW: thanks for the offer of contacting you via PM. Will bug you with more questions (I am sure there will be more).


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Re: Worth acquiring skills in nuclear D&D???
« Reply #5 on: Jun 03, 2014, 05:53 »
   I found that the basis of all remediation, the RESRAD code, developed by the DOE at Argonne...restricting any resident of a prior site to 25 mr per year above the before utilization background is the basis of all remediation and the foundation of the MARSSIM methodology.
« Last Edit: Jun 03, 2014, 06:12 by Wlrun3 »


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