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Offline DarkXyde

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Nervous for upcoming Scana interview
« on: Jun 12, 2014, 04:24 »
Hi all. I'm a surface ET1 in the Navy currently working at NRMD Norfolk and I have my first interview for a maintenance position coming up next Tuesday at the new Scana plant being built. I looked at the practice MASS test and it didn't seem very difficult so I'm not worried about that but seeing as how I have been to TAPS yet and I only have 4 months left in the Navy I don't have very much interviewing experience. Tips/Do's and Dont's are greatly appreciated :)

Also, on a side note, how hard would it be for me to transition from a maintenance position to an operator position if I desired to do so in the future?

Offline MMM

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Re: Nervous for upcoming Scana interview
« Reply #1 on: Jun 12, 2014, 09:39 »
Assuming the interview is similar to an ops interview, you'll have 2-5 interviewers and they'll ask behavior based questions (STAR method). Basically, they'll ask you to tell them about a time you were in certain situations, how you handled it, and what the outcome was. They might focus on your maintenance history and safety, but I haven't interviewed for a maintenance position before.


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Re: Nervous for upcoming Scana interview
« Reply #2 on: Jun 16, 2014, 07:06 »
Worked at VC for Scana went through the same process.  Basic fundamental HR questions, asked some basic questions about the position, won't give you any responses on most none position related questions such as opportunities, pay rates, yada, yada.  Don't be to much of impressario because it doesn't work.  Supervisors and Managers don't want to hear how great or how you would do things, they will ask questions about what you would do if, and how would you handle this, type questions.  Its VC and they are mostly SC based folks so use disretion about piling on the I cans.  Stay to answering the questions and not prolonging the discussion.  Chances of going from Maintenance to OPs is small, won't say can't be done but small.


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