"Concerning beta/gamma decay on lets say, some piece of equipment that has both alpha and beta/gamma contamination--why would my controls increase simply because the beta/gamma has decayed away. The same amount of alpha is present; it has not increased."
Ingrowth. If fission products are present, the cobalt 60 goes away, and the Pu-238, and Pu 240 increases. Pu-241 (14 year half life) feeds the Am-241. Look at Table B-2 in the new guidelines for clarification
With low beta/gamma the tendency is to decrease controls, which can fool the HP. The controls should either stay the same or increase. Old 'level 3' plants with high alpha have very high airborne levels for alpha. The particle size will decrease due to recoil making it harder to control with ventilation and other 'normal' controls.
Some of the 1970's plants are just reaching the point of ingrowth on abandoned systems.