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Whats would be the next step to further my carree.

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Offline Raw110890

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Advice An Guidance
« on: Sep 15, 2014, 04:02 »
Hey All.

I'm relatively new to the welding game, i know i enjoy it a lot but I'm getting to that stage in life where i don't want to be just your average run of the mill welder I'm always looking at ways at trying to better myself skill an confidence wise, I have been welding for 5 years (I'm 24) in both MIG an TIG,i have worked for companies where I'm required to fabricate from engineering drawings etc an Ive also worked in production welding environments such as my current job which is welding the Landrover (90,110 an 130) chassis. i recently paid to go to college to get my city an guilds level 1&2 in stainless steel an aluminium TIG an currently I'm doing an ISO 9606-2 over head coding, the tutor is also giving me the opportunity to get my G6 TIG root.

I know i wont be able to just walk into a job in the nuclear industry but id like to think I'm taking a step in the right direction, is anyone able to guide me more accurately towards a possible Carree or even a coding that i will need to help my progress?

Sorry if I've missed any information this is my first time posting to a forum.

Cheers guys!!

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Advice An Guidance
« Reply #1 on: Sep 15, 2014, 07:56 »
Welcome to the forum.  That was a great question.  I'm not a welder, but I am looking forward to learning the answer to your question.


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