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Offline UncaBuffalo

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Foreign Travel
« on: Nov 12, 2014, 02:27 »
I was out for a couple of years, so was surprised to see the questions about foreign travel when I filled out my new PHQ.  When did they start asking about that?  I was able to scrape together start/end dates for all my trips and listed the countries.  It must have worked, because I got UA within a week (although I was slower than most of my work group).

Now I'm wondering: Are there countries I'm restricted from traveling to when I'm working commercial power?  And are there countries that I'm not RESTRICTED from traveling to, but that will make getting a UA so difficult that I should avoid them?

Thanks!   :)
« Last Edit: Nov 12, 2014, 04:02 by UncaBuffalo »
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Offline Rennhack

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Re: Foreign Travel
« Reply #1 on: Nov 12, 2014, 07:43 »
Are there countries I'm restricted from traveling to when I'm working commercial power?  And are there countries that I'm not RESTRICTED from traveling to, but that will make getting a UA so difficult that I should avoid them?

Yes, but I don't currently have a list. Perhaps the SME Graphic can help us.  I'd say stay out of Cuba and the middle east for starters.
« Last Edit: Nov 12, 2014, 07:44 by Rennhack »

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Foreign Travel
« Reply #2 on: Nov 12, 2014, 07:49 »
Now I'm wondering: Are there countries I'm restricted from traveling to when I'm working commercial power?  And are there countries that I'm not RESTRICTED from traveling to, but that will make getting a UA so difficult that I should avoid them?

Offline Marlin

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Offline UncaBuffalo

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Re: Foreign Travel
« Reply #4 on: Nov 12, 2014, 10:14 »

Hmmm... I had to list 4 of those countries on my PHQ...and didn't get any further questions...  Maybe you have to spend a certain length of time?  ...or make multiple entries?   ....or....?

Or maybe NRC uses a different list than the DOE?

Yes, but I don't currently have a list. Perhaps the SME Graphic can help us. 

Yeah, I hope Graphic chimes in, because I was just looking at my 'Lonely Planet - Central Asia' and thinking about hitting some of the 'Stans... 

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Offline btkeele

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Re: Foreign Travel
« Reply #5 on: Nov 13, 2014, 12:38 »
Israel?  Seems odd... but not Egypt or Lebanon?


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Re: Foreign Travel
« Reply #6 on: Dec 14, 2014, 12:42 »
I was out for a couple of years, so was surprised to see the questions about foreign travel when I filled out my new PHQ.  When did they start asking about that?  I was able to scrape together start/end dates for all my trips and listed the countries.  It must have worked, because I got UA within a week (although I was slower than most of my work group).

Now I'm wondering: Are there countries I'm restricted from traveling to when I'm working commercial power?  And are there countries that I'm not RESTRICTED from traveling to, but that will make getting a UA so difficult that I should avoid them?

Thanks!   :)

There really isn't any kind of "list" per se. However, certain places could raise red flags of course and that's really what it is for because there was nothing that really ever asked about your travel in the past and I do believe it would be relevant for nuclear workers. I mean if you went to Cuba, North Korea and Syria on your last vacation, chances are they'll want to know why! lol.

IT IS possible to be denied access because of it .. but I have never seen it happen.


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