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Guidance on Hypothetical Situation
« on: Mar 03, 2015, 05:40 »
Hello all at NukeWorker,

I first off would like to give a big thank you to the site, the moderators, and those who post regularly.  This site has been an invaluable resource of information and wisdom from likeminded folks that have been a part of the nuclear industry.  I'm excited to make my first post on the boards! There have been questions that I've wanted to ask, but usually a brief search pulls up several threads discussing my questions.  Again, this is my first post, and though I hope to ask it intelligently, I know that it could easily not be up to par so please be gentle :)

My question deals with a hypothetical situation I'm looking to get some guidance and opinions on. To state briefly my background, I am a recent graduate with a B.S. in nuclear engineering; I am interested in pretty much every aspect of the industry, e.g. ops, engineering, research, etc.  So I've been applying to a lot of these positions with various companies, and I'll stress that I'm looking for my first major job out of college.  Say you interview with several companies at around the same time frame.  The interviews go well.  Ideally, one would want to hear back from the companies at the same time to be able to make the best choice based on a number of factors, e.g. pay, benefits, location, previous work experience, etc.  However this does not happen.  One company gets back much sooner than the other with an offer and wants a near immediate decision.  How can you not accept the offer given that you may not get an offer from the other companies?  Now, what if another company makes you an offer?  And yet another company that you applied to wants to do an interview? What is the consensus on the opposing points of one, you have accepted an offer and it would be barring against your professionalism and trust with the company to reject their offer or interview somewhere else, and two, being open to the opportunity you are most interested in?

Any response to this question would be greatly appreciated, whether it be blunt, a thorough reply, a link to a thread, etc.
Thank you!


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Re: Guidance on Hypothetical Situation
« Reply #1 on: Mar 04, 2015, 06:44 »
If the job offer, the company and the location are acceptable, then go for it.  Sitting around waiting for that perfect offer will just leave you frustrated and unemployed.  One sure-fire way to get that "ideal" job is get some experience under your belt.  You don't have to jump on the first one who calls back but, if the three criteria above are acceptable, take the job and enjoy it.


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Re: Guidance on Hypothetical Situation
« Reply #2 on: Mar 05, 2015, 01:47 »
Having been in the business for a couple of years (44), I have not been a good in-house person like many others in our business so here is my opinion, and mine alone.  Make a personal list of the Companies you have applied too.  Put together a Positive and Negative list for each location.  Make sure you consider the location, cost of living, if married, places your wife or better or best half would be happy at, the schools in the area for your children, and accademia is one of the most important when it comes to children.  Forget about the advancement opportunity part of it because that will happen if and when it is going to happen, and since most people do not stay at a location much more than 7 years in todays environment it, in most cases, becomes irrevalent anyway.  Most importantly, the salary range of acceptability.  Then, when the interviews are completed and the acceptance letter is received return to your list and figure out how it fits.  If another opportunity affords itself, I would without hesitation, take the interview and make your next decision on the assessment of the new opportunity.  Forget the professionalism of how it affects the first opportunity, because they will not provide you with the same professionalism.  They realistically do not give a sh--.  Lastly, like was previously stated, A job is better than no job.  Don't know that this helps but hopefully.  Good luck. [Dance]

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Re: Guidance on Hypothetical Situation
« Reply #3 on: Mar 08, 2015, 05:44 »
I don't know if it matters, but I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago when I graduated with my degree (also in Nuclear Engineering). The place where I wanted to work was being really slow coming with their interview request. However, I interviewed at another place in the meantime. They wanted my answer within three weeks after I received their offer. I contacted the other place to find out what was going on with them and didn't receive a reply, so I accepted the other job. It was for less money, on the opposite end of the country from where I thought I wanted to be, etc., etc., etc. Right after I moved, the other place began phoning me. I could have continued with their interview/hire process but I decided to stay for the rest of the year to avoid paying back my bonus and compensation for the move. After the year was up, I found that I really liked where I am working. The people I work with are amazing, the area is gorgeous and I feel like what I am doing really makes a difference. It isn't the job I thought I wanted all the way through college, but it is a job that I am proud and happy to be doing. I can't promise you will have the same experience, but I just thought I'd toss my two cents your way.


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