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Author Topic: Physical Science Technician Training Norfolk, VA  (Read 3855 times)

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Offline kelleyc54

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Physical Science Technician Training Norfolk, VA
« on: Apr 13, 2015, 02:57 »

 I interviewed and was offered a job on PSNS as a Physical Science Tech and I want to know what to expect from training in norfolk, VA. All I know is its 6 months, isn't necessarily hard but time consuming, the hours are from 7am-330pm Mon-Fri and the Navy will put me up in an apartment.

I would love to bring my family with me but I am not sure how this will work with my course load. It will be my husband and two small children. Can anyone tell me what to expect as far as going to class all day and coming home to my family? My husband seems to think I will be putting to much on myself and I want to make sure I can balance everything out.

Also does anyone know what the holiday schedule will be like since I will more then likely be attending during Christmas and Thanksgiving?

Any advice is greatly appreciated and Thank you so much!



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Re: Physical Science Technician Training Norfolk, VA
« Reply #1 on: Apr 13, 2015, 09:16 »
Speaking from my own experiences in the past as a married man, it was usually easier to leave the family at home for the first few weeks while I acclimatized to the new job and schedule and found a suitable residence before bringing my family along.  That's an issue the two of you need to hammer out.  The way I read your entry, it sounds like he's trying to give you plenty of room to succeed before bringing all the family issues back into the picture.  On the negative side of that set up, I sure did miss them until we got back together again.


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Re: Physical Science Technician Training Norfolk, VA
« Reply #2 on: Apr 18, 2015, 12:58 »
they shutdown during the xmas-new year period.


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