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Specific ACAD 10-001 question
« on: Aug 25, 2015, 01:03 »
Hi, I had a specific question about the direct SRO requirements. I'm an ex-navy nuke EM1(SS). I never qualified EWS when I was in the navy. Since I got out I've worked at a uranium enrichment plant as an operator for 5 years and a CRS for 2 years. This is a nuclear plant, but obviously not a reactor. Does my experience meet the requirements on the table on page 8 of the ACAD 10-001 section about power plant staff? I also have the typical engineering technology degree from Thomas Edison and an MBA, if that makes any difference.

I've been in this field for awhile and I'm recently considering getting into nuclear power again. Just wanted to see what my options are. Thanks in advance for any clarification you can provide.

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Re: Specific ACAD 10-001 question
« Reply #1 on: Aug 25, 2015, 02:05 »
No, it does not.

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