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NUPOC Applications and Interview
« on: Sep 01, 2015, 07:46 »

I am currently a freshman in college, looking to apply to the NUPOC program in a year.  I will be taking Calc B and Calc-based physics between now and then.  I usually maintain an A, A- average.  I have read numerous articles and posts on this website and others, but need some clarification.  First, is the program worth it.  I want to serve my country in some capacity, and it seems like this would be a perfect opportunity to do it (my father and uncle were marines).  I understand the time commitment and frequent routine work associated.  Second, what are the technical phone interviews really like.  I understand that a majority of the questions will involve calculus or physics, but what are the other topics covered (thermochemisty, buoyancy, and some general chemistry).  Third, what is it really like, as either a surface warfare officer or on a sub (I also understand that there are other positions)? 

What I am really asking is if it is viable and worthy to pursue this career.  Any help is appreciated!

Offline spekkio

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Re: NUPOC Applications and Interview
« Reply #1 on: Sep 04, 2015, 11:04 »
Your question is so general that it's impossible to answer. What are your career goals? If it's just to 'serve your country in some capacity,' there are a lot of ways to do that from volunteering in the Peace Corps to get purified water into central Africa to joining the military, and within the military there are lots of different career options available.


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