....The back story is I wanted to be an operator, but training found out I had a training background in the Navy and sucked me up. I’m hoping that (and this is from one of the plant managers) that if I do well in the class, they will just transfer me over to Ops to continue the class to get my license and all will be well, instead of getting my cert.
look man, let's be real here, training did not "suck" you up,...
you own your career destiny; you were offered training, you chose training, and now it's like "Eh, I really prefer ops.",...
you want to be in ops?!?!?
then run with it,...
worse case is they lied to you, or, things change(d) and they cannot deliver,...
c'mon, you're an ex-Navy nuke, act like one, you're gonna get paid, and paid well, to go to school; "Thank you very much sir, I'll see you on graduation day!",....
after that it's needs of the utility,...
at least you don't have to wait until EAOS if it doesn't suit you,...
you didn't sign one of those "payback" agreements did you?!?!?!?
please reassure me you learned
that much coming out of the canoe club,...