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Author Topic: Can they access my medical records and revoke UA?  (Read 4182 times)

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So here's the situation, I didn't disclose a prior depression diagnosis and prescribed psych pills when I went through my unescorted access background check several years ago. At the time I was granted UA, I had been fine for several years and hadn't taken meds in years. My question is : does site security/medical have the right to search my medical records without my consent? I'm concerned that it will be discovered and I'll loose UA (yes I know I should have disclosed it first off, but what is done is done and I can't go back on it now).

       My plant is probably not going to remain open past 2020, but I'd like to retain my job until the end.

Offline Rerun

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Re: Can they access my medical records and revoke UA?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 06, 2015, 12:27 »
I don't ever remember being asked that question.


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