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Author Topic: Gaining Unescorted Access for Dominion  (Read 5083 times)

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Offline curtislhicksjr

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Gaining Unescorted Access for Dominion
« on: Jan 26, 2016, 10:12 »
Hello All,

I'm very paranoid which drove me to this forum for answers. I'm 100% sure each answer will lead to my anxiety growing.

I was award a position at a Dominion plant. I began the process for UAA on December 22, 2015 and I'm still waiting. I was told there is a backup in Nuclear Access at the plant, but I was told I'm "at the doorstep" (I'm paraphrasing, but I was told something very similar) of gaining access. Here are some pertinent bullet points.

--I was granted UAA back in May 2015 as a contractor

--I was granted UAA back in November 2015 as a contractor

--During my first stint gaining UAA I had to run all over the place to make sure any and all traffic violation, such as driving without a license and driving with a suspended license, were cleared up. I got all of the paperwork back in May 2015 and was granted access.

--I do have bad credit, but I had bad credit back in May 2015, and going for this position for Dominion is the way to financial stability and clearing up my credit issues. I laid out a plan on the PHQ as to how I would address my credit issues. The plans include joining up with a reputable nonprofit debt consolidation company and using credit monitoring sites as well as signing up for some credit correction services.

--I have not gotten in trouble or arrested once since my last granted UAA. I did get pulled over once, but the ticket was just $100 and I took a driving course, suggested by the state I was arrested in, and got the ticket removed from my record.

I know there is a lot to digest, but I'm wondering if anyone can help me figure out what's going on in the eyes of the security person. I've had in-depth conversations with him and he seemed to have a little disdain towards me, but seemed to be cool overall and helping me out. Can anyone offer any comments or words about this post?

Also, I'd like to add, I've seen crazy stuff on this forum, which would possibly lead a logically thinking person to ease, but my life has been full of a lot of mishaps and bad happenings so of course I'm worried.


Offline curtislhicksjr

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Re: Gaining Unescorted Access for Dominion
« Reply #1 on: Jan 26, 2016, 01:30 »
Hi All,

I guess my paranoia was put in it's place...

I was just granted UAA. Thanks to anyone who read my thread and thought about replying!


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Re: Gaining Unescorted Access for Dominion
« Reply #2 on: Jan 31, 2016, 08:08 »
Good to hear. Have a safe and prosperous career.


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