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Offline nukeyuhler

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Question about 6 and out.
« on: Jul 24, 2016, 02:51 »
Hello everyone, I am an ET new to the fleet and I have a few questions about my career path long term. I have been told that I probably wont be able to qualify watch sup before my EAOS due to the current status of my ship. I want to do 6 and out, because if I re-up, I will have to re-up again for shore duty, putting me at ~10 years, which is unfavorable given family circumstances. My tentative plan is to get out at 6. I do have some (~1.5yr) of college coursework done and I want to chip away at more of my EE degree at Arizona State online while I'm in, and then get out and get an entry level job maybe as an aux op at ~60k while I finish my degree and then look for a job as an RO, SRO, or engineer. My question is as follows: Is this a feasible plan. If not, what are my options. Thanks in advance for your help and your time.

Offline GLW

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Re: Question about 6 and out.
« Reply #1 on: Jul 24, 2016, 05:12 »
Hello everyone, I am an ET new to the fleet and I have a few questions about my career path long term. I have been told that I probably wont be able to qualify watch sup before my EAOS due to the current status of my ship. I want to do 6 and out, because if I re-up, I will have to re-up again for shore duty, putting me at ~10 years, which is unfavorable given family circumstances. My tentative plan is to get out at 6. I do have some (~1.5yr) of college coursework done and I want to chip away at more of my EE degree at Arizona State online while I'm in, and then get out and get an entry level job maybe as an aux op at ~60k while I finish my degree and then look for a job as an RO, SRO, or engineer. My question is as follows: Is this a feasible plan. If not, what are my options. Thanks in advance for your help and your time.

if current status equates to a vessel not doing a lot of underway then you will not be very competitive for a NLO job in six years,....

commercial nukes are currently shutting down and turning qualified, experienced NLOs out into the job market by the scores,...

literally by the scores, if not by the hundreds,...

keep your options open, including reenlistment,...

complete your degree to the maximum extent possible on the Navy's dime (degree priority one),...

try to complete your degree(s) without any debt (degree priority two),...

begin your inquiries into civilian nuke employment as soon as you can (about 6 months from EAOS) and if you do not get what you need stay in and go around again,...

you may be competitive on your 6 and out from a position of being willing to work for cheap in the commercial side,...

but that is not the most likely scenario,...

stay tuned, check in to the business side of commercial nukes often and adjust your plan as you move along,...

things can change from today and your EAOS,...

work hard, check in often, the years between now and your EAOS will go by quickly,...


decide to be a lifer and just enjoy the ride,...

peace,... 8)
« Last Edit: Jul 24, 2016, 05:14 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Question about 6 and out.
« Reply #2 on: Jul 24, 2016, 07:15 »
I think as long as you are willing to take a job at any nuke you will probably be OK.  Might have to take one that is shutting down soon or less desirable, then maybe move to one that is more desirable.  A technical degree should help.  Being from the area you are trying to get a job in might help.  It might take awhile.  Use your 6 months of unemployment benefits if you need them by filing in Massachusetts to prolong your job hunt right after you get out.  Should pull in around 700/week or so.  Make sure you put in for every job you are qualified for to get your foot in a door.

Offline MMM

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Re: Question about 6 and out.
« Reply #3 on: Jul 25, 2016, 05:36 »
On a side note, if you haven't started your EE yet, and went that route because of ASU, take a look at UND (University of North Dakota), they offer ME, ChE, EE, CE online. Not an endorsement, just a statement.

Offline ipregen

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Re: Question about 6 and out.
« Reply #4 on: Jul 26, 2016, 11:32 »
Don't pay too much attention to what people say you can't do. Negative people have a problem for every solution.
Work on the quals you can when the systems are available, be aggressive with your training, you own your future.
Keep in mind other job opportunities that your navy experience will help you break into. Non-nuke gen stations, chem plants, water processing, petroleum refineries, it goes on and on.

Offline GLW

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Re: Question about 6 and out.
« Reply #5 on: Jul 26, 2016, 12:39 »
Don't pay too much attention to what people say you can't do. Negative people have a problem for every solution.....

true enough, then again, needs of the Navy has a hurdle for every solution,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Rerun

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Re: Question about 6 and out.
« Reply #6 on: Jul 26, 2016, 07:05 »
Actually in those other industries Navy nuclear experience isnt that much of a break in

Offline spekkio

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Re: Question about 6 and out.
« Reply #7 on: Jul 26, 2016, 08:40 »
Hello everyone, I am an ET new to the fleet and I have a few questions about my career path long term. I have been told that I probably wont be able to qualify watch sup before my EAOS due to the current status of my ship. I want to do 6 and out, because if I re-up, I will have to re-up again for shore duty, putting me at ~10 years, which is unfavorable given family circumstances. My tentative plan is to get out at 6. I do have some (~1.5yr) of college coursework done and I want to chip away at more of my EE degree at Arizona State online while I'm in, and then get out and get an entry level job maybe as an aux op at ~60k while I finish my degree and then look for a job as an RO, SRO, or engineer. My question is as follows: Is this a feasible plan. If not, what are my options. Thanks in advance for your help and your time.
I think a better plan would be to put college on hold until after the Navy. Then, use the GI bill and go to the best university you can, focusing 100% of your efforts on getting good grades in college and making the connections you need for a post-college career. Between the GI bill + BAH and tuition assistance (which you qualify for since the GI bill + BAH doesn't count as income and military service divorces you from dependence on your parents for FAFSA purposes), you won't be hurting for money for college.

Engineering is generally not a degree you can just get a check in the box and find yourself gainfully employed in the field. It's also not a degree that is feasible without 100% full effort being put toward your studies. If you want a tech degree that's worth the paper it's written on, you won't be able to accomplish this online while in the Navy or working full-time at a nuclear power plant. This is something you'll have to decide to be a student first and work around that. The financial benefits I talked about above will be able to afford you that opportunity.
« Last Edit: Jul 26, 2016, 08:45 by spekkio »


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