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Emigrating Brit -Entry level questions
« on: Feb 12, 2017, 12:38 »
Hi guys, first time poster.

As per the title, my wife is looking to move 'back home' so I'll be looking to get into the industry and I'm curious as what level to pitch myself.

My background;
Foundation Degree in Marine Engineering Systems (UK equivalent of an Associates Degree)
10 years in the Royal Navy Sub Service, 2.5 as a Reactor Panel Operator/Reactor Desk Operator
I currently produce Maintennce and Safety documentation and processes for subs PWR plants for the Ministry of Defence (gonna have to take the typo on that one)
Doing a Bachelors in Electronic Engineering in my spare time - but it doesn't count til you're holding the paper!

Aiming to work in Region II as we have family in FL & VA.

I was originally hoping to apply as an RO, but after some reading through these forums should I be looking at NLO jobs with the aim of working my way up?

Any insight is appreciated,



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