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Author Topic: Confusing and Specific NUPOC Program Requirement for Undergraduate  (Read 4049 times)

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Offline ialreadycreatedanaccount

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This question concerns a specific requirement made by my recruiter for my class schedule going forward towards graduation.  I am seeking clarification on this as a requirement, or not.First, I have spent a while looking for my question and it has not been previously addressed.
Second, I am struggling to get into the NUPOC program.  I have come to call it application purgatory where I revisit MEPS every time my 90 day short physical expires.
Third, my question is very specific.  I had previously been instructed to arrange a class schedule that is less than 30 months.  I'm a junior in a ME program, this is not difficult for me at this time.  The problem is my officer recruiter was replaced with a much newer recruiter, who changed my instructions to fill all summer semesters with full-time classes on top of full time spring and fall semesters.
This is more burdensome than I imagined it would be for the simple reason that my university offers no classes over the summer that are relevant to my degree that I haven't already taken.  The classes that are available have nothing to do with my degree and I would be paying out of pocket to take them, for no benefit and with no effect on my graduation date.
I have had incorrect instructions from this recruiter repeatedly before and I was not required to load my summer semester with classes with my old recruiter.  Is there an actual requirement that time beyond Spring and Fall semesters, the traditional pair of full-time semesters, be blocked out with more classes?  If so, where can it be found?

Offline Matt

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There is no requirement to take summer classes in the NUPOC program.  Tell your recruiter to give you a copy of Program Authorization 100A for Submarine/Surface or Program Authorization 100B for Instructor/Engineer.  Those instructions tell you the exact minimum requirements.

Have your recruiter contact the NUPOC Program Management office at the Navy Recruiting Command Headquarters in Millington, TN for assistance.  If the recruiter is unsure how to accomplish this, tell them to contact their OACR (Officer Assistant Chief Recruiter) to get the contact info.

If you haven't already, review this entire website:

Disclaimer: While I recently transferred, I spent the last three years working in the NUPOC PM office in Millington, TN.  There are about 100 NUPOC recruiters stationed across the country, and in my 3 years working with all of them I never met one (even with 5 years NUPOC recruiting experience) who had all the details about the program correct.  Don't hold it against your recruiter, they don't receive a whole lot of training on the topic and the NUPOC program is very different from any other officer program they may also have to recruit for.

Offline BrianScott87

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I concur with Matt
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