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Offline Mike_in_TN

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Getting into commercial power- please advise
« on: Apr 21, 2017, 07:54 »
     While I have lurked around this board from time to time over the past decade this is my first post.

I am desperately trying to find a way into the commercial sector. I am in my mid 40s, an ex-Navy (MM) nuc with 20+ years in DOE land. There I worked in reactor ops, quality and most recently R&D. Beside the nuc stuff, I am competent with electronics/detectors,lasers,laboratory environments, prototype fabrications and developing work control documents. I have supervisory experience and have managed small budgets. I was making low 100s but have been laid off now for ~ 18mos. Surviving on savings and odd jobs. Those odd jobs are drying up now and even Home Depot doesn't reply... I have a spreadsheet to help me organize my job hunt- I’ve sent 170 apps and have had 7 in person interviews. Either I am applying for the wrong jobs, my CV sucks, or the postings are fake-actually I have had two recruiters inform me that some positions are often posted based on future contingencies that may or may not happen.
During my first year of being out of work,I finished my Excelsior BSNET degree- doesn’t seem to be helping my situation at the moment. I would love to get my foot in the door at a power plant or other commercial facility and am willing to do ANY job and for any pay that is reasonable ( $20/hr sounds really good right now!) Even with zero commercial experience I think that I could easily fill the role of procedure writer or STA.
I have a clean record. No drugs or legal problems. Had Q and L clearances in the past. ( although due to long term unemployment am in arrears currently with child support- I’ve already been told by a recent potential employer that this and several trips to Russia in recent years would complicate adjudication for a new Q clearance-hence job offer rescinded.)
I am sure that I could pass either the DOE core or NUF exams right now but have no experience as an RCT- no recent experience doing de-con although I did plenty of that as an RO.
If you could advise what someone in my situation could do I would appreciate it!

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Getting into commercial power- please advise
« Reply #1 on: Apr 21, 2017, 09:51 »
I would cold call every nuclear contractor out there and see if they have anything for you.  Like Enercon, Bartlett, Atlantic......etc.

Offline aldonola

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Re: Getting into commercial power- please advise
« Reply #2 on: Apr 24, 2017, 10:33 »
I have to be honest. I'd pass over your resume time after time. Forget about STA. Those jobs are going to Eng degreed folks or operators. I think your best hope is through entry level Ops if you can pass the aptitude test (available online). Good luck, whatever you choose.


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