First, make sure you keep copies of your evals and pg 4, just in case you decide to go into commercial nuclear as being qualified (and having stood) RO for 2 years meets the requirements for direct SRO, although I don't know how many sites accept that. Outside of nuclear, the quals themselves are pretty meaningless unless there's a direct correlation to the job you're applying for. Your maintenance/I&C experience will help if you want to go that route, QA quals may help if you want to get into quality control, etc. In either case, I recommend looking at to see what certifications the navy will pay for and get those, as they will probably be a bigger help and translate much easier.
As far as field of work, what do you want to do? I've personally known nukes who've gotten out and done anything from insurance sales to med school and law school, so you can pretty much do anything you're interested in, if you're willing to put forth the effort to advance your skillset to match the job.