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Author Topic: Just got denied unescorted access, is my life over?  (Read 7839 times)

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Offline not_a_bad_person1

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Due to drug history I have been denied unescourted access to a power plant I was hired into. I did not think it was going to be an issue but unfortunately I am wrong. I know this means that I will not be able to work at a power plant or anywhere else which involves some sort of security clearance for a minimum of five years and after that I will probably still meet some resistance.
Since I am still a competent, smart, good person (believe it or not) who has a lot to give a future employer I was curious what are my options if I want to stay within the industry and put my degree to use. I have no desire to use drugs and it wouldn't have been an issue. Any words are appreciated.

Offline 61nomad

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Re: Just got denied unescorted access, is my life over?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 10, 2017, 02:12 »
Due to criminal or arrest history?  Or due to how you answered the questions in the PHQ (personal history questionnaire)?  Either way, I am pretty sure you are not banned for five years unless you actually fail a drug/alcohol test.  However, if you apply to another nuke plant they will know about your previous attempt and chances are you will not get in.  It is possible that you can fix the damage somehow, it would depend.  It could be worth pursuing.

You did not say what your occupation is/was, but DOE sites are still a possible work option.  Your life is not over and there are still plenty of places to work.

Offline ipregen

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Re: Just got denied unescorted access, is my life over?
« Reply #2 on: Jun 12, 2017, 11:34 »
Depending on what the incident was you may need to complete a rehab program and show documentation. Call the company that hired you and ask what your options are. You are not the first that went through this.


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