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Author Topic: It's not always what it appears to be.  (Read 3011 times)

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Offline RP Instructor

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It's not always what it appears to be.
« on: Aug 02, 2017, 10:17 »
Savannah River Remediation (SRR) is looking to hire instructors to support their training program. Problem is, SRR lost the DOE contract to a competitor (I don't know who), and will be gone by years' end. Having worked there, I'll  tell you: "Run! Run as fast as you can away from SRR Training! The management personnel are great, fun people, but they couldn't manage a daycare center. Wait and see who the replacement for SRR is; then apply."

By the way, Savannah River Site management is VERY, VERY TIGHT with the purse strings. You will not be paid anywhere near what you're worth (i.e. market rate). That's why they're struggling to staff the site with contract support.

« Last Edit: Aug 03, 2017, 08:12 by RP Instructor »


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