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Author Topic: Passed the EEI Test for TVA. How long until interviews start?  (Read 40895 times)

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Being a woman gets you an interview there. They didnt even put you on the matrix.

Offline MMM

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A qualified, educated, and experienced woman.....yes.
My turn to be a jerk. My last plant had two "qualified, educated, and experienced" women in class. I'm not sure the specifics about them, but one had been to class with a few other companies, which constituted her experience, I'm not sure about the other. Both were rolled out to another class. On the other hand, there were a couple female SROs and ROs that had successfully licensed, probably with less "experience" than the two that didn't make it.


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Exactly. If she can breathe without being reminded to do so TVA will hire her. Out of 4 female operators that I "gladly" hired only one was worth a darn. I would have hired her anyway. The other 3 HR kept finding reasons to force me to hire them. Those 3 sucked. 2 quit and one made it through. After a long long battle I fired her. On the other hand I worked with 2 ROs and 2 SROs there who were fantastic.

Being female = AUTOMATIC interview

edited for language -ksheed
« Last Edit: Oct 30, 2017, 08:40 by ksheed12 »

Offline Missjbugg

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And I've worked with a number of qualified, educated, and experienced MEN who did not make it through class. I've also worked with a few that made it through, but shouldn't have. I'm not trying to be defensive or argumentative, but I assure you that my gender has never affected my ability to operate.

The fact that this is even a conversation is very sad.

I was just offering an answer to a question posed by two people in this thread.

TVA, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to breathe.


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I used to interview for TVA.
I am merely saying you getting an interview is meaningless as any woman who passes the POSS test gets one and odds are if you can breathe they will offer you a job. Its what TVA does

So far as men failing out of college level classes its sad. College is a lot easier than any nuclear course.

Offline Marlin

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The fact that this is even a conversation is very sad.

 +K  yes


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The fact is I am giving her the straight truth from someone who interviewed at TVA and navigated through their HR System. She has nothing to worry about.

Offline Missjbugg

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I'm sure you can imagine the frustration, that should I be hired, others will now assume it was only because I am a female.  Your comments, even if accurate, do nothing but perpetuate sexist notions.

I've been an operator for a long time, so my skin is pretty thick. I've proven myself, as a GOOD OPERATOR, not as a FEMALE OPERATOR. I've also been registered to this site long enough to know that simply by posting , I was opening myself up to this conversation.

Please don't think I don't appreciate your experience or input based upon that experienced. I sincerely do!
« Last Edit: Oct 28, 2017, 02:37 by Missjbugg »

Offline MMM

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And I've worked with a number of qualified, educated, and experienced MEN who did not make it through class. I've also worked with a few that made it through, but shouldn't have. I'm not trying to be defensive or argumentative, but I assure you that my gender has never affected my ability to operate.

The fact that this is even a conversation is very sad.

I was just offering an answer to a question posed by two people in this thread.

TVA, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to breathe.
I agree, plenty of men get dropped as well. It's not an easy program. However, most companies wouldn't make an offer to those men after being dropped from multiple license classes. While I like to think that companies hire the best candidates, I unfortunately know people who were involved in the hiring process, and they have explained that minorities and women get extra points so the company can increase diversity. It sucks for all involved.

Offline Missjbugg

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I'm not ignorant to how the system works. It really does suck for everyone, though. And I'd be lying if I said I haven't worked with women who never should have been hired! It just gets tiresome having to prove that I'm not one of them.

Offline bradbathome

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I received an invitation to interview November 8th. Hope this answers the "when" question!
Thanks for the info. Good luck

Offline MMM

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You can get into engineering or start as an NLO. There are some time requirements before you can go SRO, I believe 3 years responsible nuclear experience, which you can get in engineering would meet that.


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