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Author Topic: Navy Nukes With Foreign Parent?  (Read 3119 times)

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Offline AndroidJaye

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Navy Nukes With Foreign Parent?
« on: Feb 03, 2018, 02:13 »
Hey Everyone!

I am new as a member, but have been floating around the forum for about 6 months now researching various things.
My question is if there is/has been a Navy Nuke with a foreign born parent (mostly the class 3: Cuba, China, Russia, Iran Etc)
My biological father is from Cuba, has since then be naturalized he has not been in my life at all.
I was born here and have never been out of the country.
All of my other requirements are in order, but they have been questioning my eligibility due to some guy who got my mom pregnant ( lol ).
I was wondering if anyone was approved in a similar situation?
When I try to research, all I get is the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Thank you in advance, and I apologize if this HAS in fact been asked/answered before... as I may have missed it.

Best Regards,

« Last Edit: Feb 03, 2018, 02:19 by AndroidJaye »

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Re: Navy Nukes With Foreign Parent?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 03, 2018, 09:47 »
One of the submarine officers that I went to prototype with had both of his parents born in China.  He didn't make it through, but had he did he would of been given a TS/SCI clearance.  A foreign born parent shouldn't disqualify you as long as you're honest about everything.  You'll probably get extra attention for the investigation for your security clearance, but as long as you or your parent(s) don't have regular contact with a foreign government for whatever reason it shouldn't be an issue especially if they have American citizenship.  It isn't necessary that they do, but be prepared to answer a lot more questions if they don't.
« Last Edit: Feb 03, 2018, 09:47 by ComradeRed1308 »


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