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Offline turpz

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Extra Curricular Activities?
« on: Feb 19, 2018, 12:09 »
HI, I've been doing a lot of research and I am pretty sure that the nuclear power program is going to be my future path in life. I have  some questions about the school. Are you allowed to leave campus? is it only allowed on weekends or can you do it whenever you want as long as you don't miss class or required events?

The reason I am asking this is because all throughout high school I have played saxophone, in fact I highly considered going to college for music. But my other passion is math and science so that is why i am interested in the nuke program. Anyway, I was hoping that it would be possible for me to leave once or twice a week to go and play in a band at a local community college just for fun ( that is what i do right now in my home town). Is this at all possible? and am i even allowed to bring a musical instrument with me to the school? will i have any time to practice or will i just be annoying everybody and wasting much needed study time?

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Re: Extra Curricular Activities?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 19, 2018, 11:15 »
First, it's a base, not a campus. This is the military. Once you get through boot camp, you can leave after class is complete, which marks the end of your workday. Keep in mind you will also have homework to complete, which must be done in the classroom, and depending on your academic performance you may have mandatory study time, so typically weekends are your best bet for leaving the base and doing stuff.

You will not be able to bring anything with you to boot camp. Once you're in A School, you can have things shipped to you, or go out and buy them, but there's limited storage space, so you might not have more than the bare necessities. You absolutely will not be allowed to bring a musical instrument into the classroom area of the school, but there are places on base to play, but you will probably annoy everyone and wasting study time.

FYI, there really isn't much math and science once you finish power school, so if you're really interested in that, you might want to find a different job. Nukes are operators and maintenance technicians.


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