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Author Topic: BHI Energy awarded the fleetwide RP & Decon contract for Entergy Operations  (Read 4640 times)

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Offline Eric_Bartlett

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**********Breaking News****************

 BHI Energy, Inc. has been awarded the primary RP & Decontamination contract for Entergy Operations fleet of commercial nuclear power plants.

 BHI will be staffing both the ANO & Palisades F18 Outages.

 For those of you that are interested in working those sites or if Brand "X" had already confirmed you for one or both of these outages, BHI is currently taking names so that when the BHI RP Recruiting team receives the compensation package information and outage information they will be able to relay it in an expedient manner.

 We hope to have all details available prior to the 4th of July, but may not receive this info until the following week. I will update this post as soon as we receive the outage and compensation package information.

 For those of you that have supported BHI in the past but haven't done so in the past few years we look forward to renewing our working relationship with you and for those of you that have never supported BHI we look forward to doing business with you.

 From all of us at BHI, We wish you a happy and safe 4th of July.

 As always, should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to drop me an e-mail ( or give me a call - 508-591-1289.
The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.

Offline Rennhack

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