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Author Topic: Cancelling enlisted nuc enlistment for NUPOC or nuc commission?  (Read 2848 times)

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Offline nad7

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Should someone enlisted in a long term DEP contract try to get an ELS (Entry Level Separation) to seek a commission or NUPOC scholarship at a later time, or is this individual unable to go through a commission process after an ELS has occurred?
The basic question is, does an ELS affect later COMMISSION opportunities in a negative way? From what I find online, it does not negatively impact future enlistment.

Offline MMM

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Just ask the question straight: I signed up for DEP and have while before I ship out. I've decided I really want to be an officer, would canceling my DEP contract affect my ability to become an officer?

If you back out of your DEP contract, you will not be enlisted, so it will most certainly affect your enlistment. As far as the impact on an officer program, I'd ask your local officer recruiter.


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