Hey guys,
I've been in the Navy 6 years now. I'm an EMN1 qualified EWS/EDPO (have been qualified for a year, stood it for an ORSE), and I got the news today that I will be disqualified from both submarine and nuclear duty. With just over 2 years on my contract, I'm looking at getting re-rated and finishing my enlistment in a different field.
My question is this: is my NEC on my DD214 not being my nuclear supervisor NEC giong to significantly effect my employment opportunities? I plan on finishing my bachelor's before I get out but I'm heavily leaning on my nuclear experience as an in for civillian jobs. I have my nuclear experience documented on evals, and obviously my JST exists, but I'm very worried that it will be discounted since I lost my NEC.
Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks!