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Author Topic: Fossil Mechanic Tech  (Read 14968 times)

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Offline Jrcain84

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Fossil Mechanic Tech
« on: Aug 06, 2019, 03:08 »
Newbie here. This site is full of so much pertinent information, so thanks to everyone. I have been working with BHI as an Entry Level Turbine Mechanic since last August. Although I've been laid off most of that time, I have been working exclusively in Duke plants. I worked from August 2018 to December 2018, two seperate outages, then was called in to work 3 weeks at a different plant in April 2019. I'm also scheduled to work at Dan River in October of this year. I had another scheduled job starting this month, but it was cancelled. I've been chosen ahead of others working for BHI with more experience, so I know I am doing well. My late father-in-law was a Master Turbine Mechanic with CP&L, Progress, then eventually Duke (buy-outs). His most recent boss from Duke, helped me get on with BHI. I have been working with his old crew through my work with BHI.I applied for a Fossil Mechanic Tech position at the Lark plant (Mt. Holly) and to my surprise, I received an email last week that indicated I am moving forward in the hiring process. I take the MASS test tomorrow. My question is if I pass the test, am I guaranteed an interview? I wonder just how many people applied for this position. It just seems so amazing they chose me to move forward with my limited experience. Mind you, before I had this experience I have applied for many Duke jobs, but always got the dreaded "not interested" email months later. I applied and 19 days later I received the "moving forward" email like a week after the job posting closed. Any words of encouragement are welcome! Or any tips! Also, anyone have an idea of what the starting pay for this type of position is? Thanks!


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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #1 on: Aug 07, 2019, 01:56 »
You realize this is NUKEworker right?

Offline Marlin

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #2 on: Aug 07, 2019, 04:13 »
Yes, I do realize that, sorry if I have stepped on toes. Like I stated, my father-in-law worked for CP&L, Progress Energy, then Duke Energy through all the buy-outs. He worked fossil, coal, and nuclear plants and he was a Master Turbine Mechanic. So I do understand the differences, but I also understand some on this site might have also worked in fossil and coal. Please understand I am only trying to make friends and get some words of advice and so forth. I asked a couple of questions, but I understand if no one wants to answer them.

I just got gone taking the MASS test, I feel like I did well. I didn't have time to finish the math or mechanical sections so that is kind of stressing me out. But from reading so much here, I know a lot of people don't have time to finish.

Again, sorry if I upset you because I am not currently a NUKEworker, but I hope to be one day. Thanks.

Upsetting a troll is not so problematic, he is a habitual offender of Nukeworker rule #4:

4. Please learn to be respectful, tolerate and support each other.'s goal is to help others, not see how many people we can annoy. Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site less professional.,4700.0.html

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #3 on: Aug 07, 2019, 05:31 »
It is a great site...even our trolls give out useful information from time to time.  and it is always good to have a devil's advocate.


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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #4 on: Aug 07, 2019, 08:26 »
No one was disrespectful. Again I challenge anyone here to have greater numbers than the people I have helped from this board. Odds are I beat any 20 of you. When I was recovering from my stroke earlier this year I helped 20 people get jobs and I helped 4 new operators pass their GFES. That alone beats any 20 people here.

Saying that it is NUKEworker. I only help nukes.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #5 on: Aug 07, 2019, 09:59 »
No one was disrespectful. Again I challenge anyone here to have greater numbers than the people I have helped from this board. Odds are I beat any 20 of you. When I was recovering from my stroke earlier this year I helped 20 people get jobs and I helped 4 new operators pass their GFES. That alone beats any 20 people here.

Saying that it is NUKEworker. I only help nukes.

   So electricians, mechanics, other craft, and professional people that migrate from nuke to fossil don't belong here? You probably are responsible for driving as many away with your terse adversarial demeanor as you have helped. I would challenge your numbers for help on this site. You are a bit myopic and I have smited you many times for being unhelpful and violating site rules, you must count your beat downs of newbies as helping them. Your help to operations personnel is appreciated and in your wheelhouse but the industry is much larger than plant operations.

   Yes you are frequently disrespectful and condescending which is unfortunate as you could have a lot more to offer. Never happen, BS, and other short terse responses where you have been wrong in areas not in your wheelhouse do not add to your credibility.

Offline fiveeleven

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #6 on: Aug 08, 2019, 11:47 »
Dang ! Glad I decided not to post my response to the op directing his fossilistic inquiries to the Atomic Archaeologist. Crisis averted.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #7 on: Aug 08, 2019, 07:01 »
Guess no one is going to address my question(s). I figured someone would have the lowdown on Duke Energy's hiring process, whether that be Nuclear or not. If there was a forum for energy workers in general I would have used that, but this is the only forum I can find that might be able to help. Such great info here, but anything I've found (I have read on here for hours overall) here is old in regards to Duke's hiring process.

Could be that someone with pertinent info has not logged in, some posters only check in every few weeks.

Offline Ksheed

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #8 on: Aug 12, 2019, 11:01 »
Congrats. If I had any info on Duke's hiring process I'd let you know. It wouldn't be much different fossil to nuke. In fact when it comes to maintenance the only difference between the two is paperwork. A pump is a pump, a breaker is a breaker, and pipe is mostly round.

Don't let The Great One (TVA) get to you. It wsn't that long ago he was working at a dirt burner yet still on here asking for help and stirring the pot. If I felt like wasting 20-30 minutes I could look it up and provide quotes, but proving what I know to be true isn't worth my time.

Good luck on the next step in the process. If they call you for an interview, be prepared for situational questions.
« Last Edit: Aug 12, 2019, 11:03 by ksheed12 »

Offline Marlin

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #9 on: Aug 20, 2019, 01:46 »
Just got an email that I have been selected for a 1 hour telephone interview next Monday. Praise the Lord! I didn't know they did telephone interviews for these types of positions. Wonder if it is because I am about 2.5 hours from the plant? I wonder how many were selected for the interview. So thankful to be moving forward.

Thanx for the feedback, good luck.

Offline ipregen

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Re: Fossil Mechanic Tech
« Reply #10 on: Aug 29, 2019, 11:50 »
No one was disrespectful. Again I challenge anyone here to have greater numbers than the people I have helped from this board. Odds are I beat any 20 of you. When I was recovering from my stroke earlier this year I helped 20 people get jobs and I helped 4 new operators pass their GFES. That alone beats any 20 people here.

Saying that it is NUKEworker. I only help nukes.
You're my hero


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