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Offline wyatt.b.j

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FFD in navy
« on: Jul 08, 2020, 01:34 »
request if anyone has any experience similar to mine about 1.5 years ago I was informed I failed a drug test I denied captains mast and requested court martial I have been fighting it for 1.5 years and now I am informed that they will not send me to court martial so I will be going to an adsep board worst cast from that is general under honorable terms how ever I don't get a real chance to fight my case in court. when I apply for a Civ nuclear plant are they going to view that as termination from job due to failed FFD?

Offline snoball

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Re: FFD in navy
« Reply #1 on: Sep 02, 2020, 04:30 »
when I apply for a Civ nuclear plant are they going to view that as termination from job due to failed FFD?

That is exactly what the utilities will see and yes, it will hurt your eligibility. Generally, most, if not pretty much all, utilities these days will straight-up not hire or grant site access to someone with anything less than a full Honorable military discharge (with no misconduct record) as well. The job market is too tight for them to take a chance on a guy with a checkered past when they can very easily get someone who doesn't have any of that.

While I know better than to say that it's totally impossible, I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.


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