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Author Topic: Old Bartlett pre-Bartlett Holdings era  (Read 244403 times)

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Offline darkmatter

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Old Bartlett pre-Bartlett Holdings era
« on: Dec 05, 2001, 12:45 »
Talk about Bartlett
« Last Edit: Jan 13, 2008, 06:23 by Rennhack »
"Never underestimate the power of a Dark Klown"

Darkmatters website is no more, nada, gonzo,  this will get you there, but I can't update it anymore. Maybe nukeworker will host personal sites eventully

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #1 on: Dec 11, 2001, 09:00 »
bartlett ain't no worse than any other company. some contract's better'n others, so co-ordinators are better 'n others, some plants are better'n others, but contracts, SCs, and plants are constant; only the companies change.  ya got more people bitching about bartlett now, but that's only because bartlett has a lot of the contracts.  when numnuts had alot of contracts, they were unfair.  when the irm worms had the contracts they were lying cheats.  when rad had the contracts.......... it doesn't ever change. every company, SC, and plant have had their double secret probations.  they only are in effect until they need one more body - YOURS - then there is no more probation!  ya want a better company, start'll be good until you get big too.
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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2002, 04:06 »

I worked for Bartlett at Davis Bessie. They treated me fine
and tried to keep me employed when layoffs were in the wind. Lined up a job for me, which I had to turn down because of prior commitments, but at least they offered. They're okay by me, so far.
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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2002, 07:16 »
Bartlett has always treated me very well.  They always have a nice job for me when I need one, and they have NEVER, EVER messed up a check in the 12 years that I have done buisness with them.

Thank you Jerry, Eric, and Bill.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2002, 07:31 »
Ahhh another thread for world class whiners! Believe it or not, their is a direct corelation between your job performance and your treatment by Bartlett. :-/ I'd like to buy you for what you're worth, and sell you for what you think you're worth! Then I could go with Eric and SloGlo to Bermuda, and I'd buy ALL of the fruity drinks! ;D Ya'll need to put yourself in their positions and then maybe you would understand, but I kinda doubt it. I think it's the same bunch that can't seem to grasp the fundamentals on the NEU test. So why would you understand sound business principals. I've been on all of their lists, and I mean ALL! I understand how and why I got there, not necessarily fair, but nobody ever told me it was going to be fair. ::) I talked to Mr. Bartlett himself and he told me some things that I didn't like, but he told me straight, no BS or lies! I understood that and respected that too! I kept my nose to the grindstone, and kept it clean! Eventually I got off the bad ones, and on the good ones! :D The cream always rises to the top! ;) If you've got a problem with Bartlett, try calling someone and work through it! Eric , and Jerry were great and took care of almost anything that came up! I tried to not bother Bruce, but if push came to shove and I had to, he always took time out from his very busy scedule to listen and help me. Now just how many employees does he have? Thousands you say! Pretty remarkable ! Now quit you're whining and get back to work , if you want off the list! 8)
JJ :-*

Offline mdkent11k

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2002, 10:15 »
In my opinion people do not differentiate between Bartlett and some of the blood sucking scum recruiters they hire.

I have only spoken with Eric on a few occasions, and never the big man himself.  Eric always treated me courteously and gave me the straight dope.

There once was a recruiter named Jamie.  He was a prick.
I had enough of the DOE sight I went to for "six weeks"..  Turned out to be more than a three hour cruise.  After seven months, wanting to go work an outage, "Nope nothing open"; so NUMANCO hired me.  

Next thing I know when I show up at another Bartlett site, through many problems and interventions by the some top site people, the site coordinator ask me "What did you do to Jamie?  He told me to screw you over anyway I can."

Seems SOME recruiters forget they work for blood money.  Our Blood.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2002, 03:39 »
Geee, once again put yourself in their position! Do you think it's in Bartlett's best intrest to keep moving you around before their jobs are completed? ::) Some contracts might even have some clauses to protect the utlities or clients from this revolving door effect. Did you take the job when there was limited work, say in summer? Then want to jump on the first outage in the fall, couldn't just suck it up for another couple of weeks. You know you loose a bit of money when you relocate too! :-/

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2002, 05:46 »
omigod.... whotinell are yinzes bitchin about?  i been on almost as many lists as jjordan with bartlett, had a stint with my employee # onna dart board too, iffen i remember right.  never had a problem working, not always where i wanted, at least while i was onna "wrong" list, BUT, that is a business, and like jjordan alluded to, iffe ya talk to 'em, differences will be resolved.
on anudder hand, dem blue-bloods ain't no different than any other contracting co.  i been on lists with all of them.... must be my attitude that occasionally shines forth  ::)... some were easier to deal with than others, but when it comes to money, they are all the same.  bruce has the majority of the work now.  he didn't always have it - some of us can remember when he would say that he would never bid a prime contract 'cause it doesn't pay as well - and he may not have it forever.  but it is a business, and iffen yer professional, it'll work for you. and you. and you too! ;)
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Offline Carolina Jethro

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2002, 05:02 »
I have never had any problems with Bartlett. I even left a job early at Millstone to return close to home for a long term job with another company. I was straightforward with Eric and Brian and they both wished me well and have gotten me jobs since. I am not even sure if they do it but if they look out for techs that work with them steady (which I don't)I can understand those techs getting first priority on jobs as they come up. If I could suggest any improvements it would be in streamlining the home office. After one outage at Brunswick it took a little to long to get my final payroll check, perdiem, bonus, and travel because they were all handled by different departments I was told. Direct Deposit wouldn't be bad either but we don't wanna go there again.  :o

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2002, 05:14 »
I gotta say that I neither love nor hate Bartlett.  At the moment, there are precious few alternatives.  Maybe I'm just not the kind of guy who expects an employer in a distant town to do back-flips to accomodate my preferences.  All I really want is for them to keep me working for a reasonable amount of time and for them to pay me when I am working.  So far, I haven't had a problem.  It helps to remember that they want the same things too.
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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #10 on: Jun 04, 2002, 10:48 »
My options openned up when I went consulting (degree, 25+ years comprehensive experience and CHP helped).

But as a tech, Bartlett treated me better than the rest.  No complaints, no tax problems and I even have some dim recollections of a couple of pretty hairy parties.

Offline mdkent11k

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #11 on: Jul 12, 2002, 09:46 »
Do you think it's in Bartlett's best intrest to keep moving you around before their jobs are completed?  Some contracts might even have some clauses to protect the utlities or clients from this revolving door effect. Did you take the job when there was limited work, say in summer? Then want to jump on the first outage in the fall, couldn't just suck it up for another couple of weeks. You know you loose a bit of money when you relocate too!

Gee JJOrdan, when one ASSumes he makes an Ass out of, well you.  At West Valley they released techs to go work outages, and then brought them back.  I was trying to go to a utility from a DOE site.

If someone brings me in for "six weeks" and I stay seven months, I am glad I could help, but I helped you, now you help me.  And to tell another a site coordinator to "f_ck me anyway he can", is just plain unprofessional, anyway you cut it.  I can tell you also, the site coordinator, Doug Bowman.  I know some may have a beef with him, but he treated me fairly and with respect, and judged for himself.  

When Bartlett got in a jam a year later, boy were they calling.  

And p.s. here is another good one.  Good old Bartlett tried to screw me when I did show up to the next Nuke Site.  On the security clearance, "why does some one not want to hire you back?"  The DOE site coordinator did not say that.  

So JJordan, you want to suck up to Bartlett, why not go directly to their web site and write letters of praise.

Oh and p.s. my job performance, ask anyone who has ever worked with me, I get the job done.  If I'm there I am working.  And the other Bartlett site's I worked for later.  I am welcome back at everyone of them.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #12 on: Jul 15, 2002, 08:06 »
Wow you really let me have it! :P Sorry, but I never assumed anything. I simply stated that some utilities have these clauses in their contracts, not "all" . If Bartlett chose to move you, well I guess that this was because that this was in there best interest, wether they had to make allowances to the site you left, would be between Bartlett and the site. You and I will never know! :o They used to pull me early quite frequently, because I was assigned to do some things beyond the duties of a regular HP tech. It wasn't always good for me, but wasn't always bad either. They did their best to work with me and I tried my best to accomadate them also. You see I had an ongoing afair with "Bill", you see I had to keep paying him off! :'(
As for Doug Bowman, I've never worked for him, but I would in a heartbeat if asked. I've worked with him at several sites, and feel that he is a very good HP, a fine individual, and a good friend! ;) Now about posting a letter on their web page, I'd be glad too also if asked! :D If this is sucking up, well then so be it! I have a long term commitment, (no such thing as permenant) I no longer work for Bartlett, so I don't think that this would qaulify as sucking up! But maybe you should try it. ;)
Keep in touch, and write when you find work!  :-* :-* :-*

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #13 on: Jul 15, 2002, 09:58 »
I love Bartlett.  I love my job.  I love the people I work with.  I love my lobotomy.
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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #14 on: Aug 05, 2002, 11:57 »
No company is perfect and all problems with them are not intentional or malicious.  There are good and bad employees at all companies.  As far as Bartlett is concerned I never had a big problem with the and the ones I have had were always handled well by Eric who is far and straight forward in my opinion.  I even talked to the big man himself once and he listened to me and fixed my concern.  I know Bartlett isn't perfect but as its been stated earlier the bigger the company the more problems can crop up.  If you need help call Eric.


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #15 on: Aug 07, 2002, 06:58 »
Jed,  I listened to 6 weeks of this crap when we worked at a GTS site togehter--that is until you hit the first lay-off list.  If you're not gonna do the right thing and shell out the money for a good lawyer--then just shut-up about it already.

Offline Carolina Jethro

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #16 on: Aug 09, 2002, 03:59 »
"yea" for not rehiring slugs... ok for not hiring some slugs!  ;D ::)

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #17 on: Aug 28, 2002, 11:12 »
I've never personally had a problem with Bartlett. In fact Bruce (personally) went above and beyond the call to help me with a recent problem. BIGFATUGLY: Just because someone doesn't share your view doesn't mean he doesn't have a reason for it. :o I know Jedball very well and he knows my opinion on his case. That does not make him a bad tech or a slug! In fact he's a very good tech and taught me alot when I was still a Jr. 8)Don't judge what you don't know.
(off soapbox now! ::)) I agree that Eric is by far the most straight up recruiter I've dealt with. Like the other post said about Bruce; He hasn't always told me what I wanted to hear, but he did tell me the truth! He's also gone out of his way to help me where he could. Anyone who knows me would laugh if I were called a suck-up but again, where the office is concerned, your work ethic means everything!
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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #18 on: Aug 30, 2002, 01:35 »
  Nothing much to say except that I think Bartlett is a good group to work for.  When you compare them to the other option,NumbCo, Bartlett becomes great.  Maybe we should start a thread for who hates Numanco. I know I do!!! 8)

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #19 on: Sep 03, 2002, 06:17 »
I have found out over the years that a job and the company are gonna be as good as the attitude you bring with you to work. I used to be a house puke in the early 90's and you could pretty much tell who was gonna do a good job and who was gonna whine the whole time before they got badged in.(Martin Thornton... you out there? ;D )  There have been a couple of small environmental companies I worked for that struggled with getting checks to you in time and in both cases I bailed out before the ship went down. As far as Bartlett and Numanco I never had a problem with either one. I try to treat them like I want them to treat me. After 18 years so far so good! Heck even Joe Worley reated me ok... as long as i volunteered to come in on Sunday and get 12 hours for paying poker!!!


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #20 on: Sep 16, 2002, 10:08 »
I dont Give a rats ass what you all say bartlett sucks. Do somthing good and ya dont even get a pat on the back, do somthing bad and oops your fucked.. i must say though with all the people ive delt with eric is one of the better more caring people.

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #21 on: Sep 16, 2002, 12:18 »
italianhp.....o what' yer sayin is that bartlett is like a real life example of "atta boy/aw shit" ?
quando omni flunkus moritati

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #22 on: Sep 17, 2002, 10:11 »
Well I can't complain, always got a job and a check. And any problems I've had were always taken care of.

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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #23 on: Sep 19, 2002, 11:40 »


Well I can't complain, always got a job and a check. And any problems I've had were always taken care of.

Well I can complain---Roadrat, Housemouse, Union, NonUnion, or just plain Contract Road-cone. always got a job and a check. And any problems I've had were taken care of eventully one way or the other! :o
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

The darkside wins in the end
"Never underestimate the power of a Dark Klown"

Darkmatters website is no more, nada, gonzo,  this will get you there, but I can't update it anymore. Maybe nukeworker will host personal sites eventully


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Re: Bartlett
« Reply #24 on: Oct 31, 2002, 07:05 »
If road Techs stopped whining and complaining, then Rennack would be out of a web site.

Back to the subject...Bartlett ain't that bad.  I have worked for Bartlett, IRM, and ARC.  Even though Bartlett is no dream company, they were a lot better than the other two.  You will have your pros and cons with any company.


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