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Offline ebukovsky

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Taking the RCT Core exam
« on: Dec 04, 2024, 06:12 »
If someone wanted to take the RCT Exam what would be the best way to get started?
I am an employee at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-destruction Pilot Plant in Pueblo, CO. We have worked with a lady from WIPP in NM for RAD Worker training as well as RCT Core. She was able to proctor the exam at one time but that is no longer an option.

We have one employee now who is interested in taking the Core exam, she wants to be a Radiological Control Technician in Richland, WA.
Do you have any information I can pass along to her? She has been self-studying the material.

My understanding of it was that it is a very heavy lift, there is a lot of math involved, we only had 2 out of 13 people pass when we were able to offer it here so I know that it is no easy task.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Taking the RCT Core exam
« Reply #1 on: Dec 08, 2024, 01:30 »
If someone wanted to take the RCT Exam what would be the best way to get started?
I am an employee at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-destruction Pilot Plant in Pueblo, CO. We have worked with a lady from WIPP in NM for RAD Worker training as well as RCT Core. She was able to proctor the exam at one time but that is no longer an option.
We have one employee now who is interested in taking the Core exam, she wants to be a Radiological Control Technician in Richland, WA.
Do you have any information I can pass along to her? She has been self-studying the material.
My understanding of it was that it is a very heavy lift, there is a lot of math involved, we only had 2 out of 13 people pass when we were able to offer it here so I know that it is no easy task.

Each DOE site decides if they will accept a core card from another facility/entity.  They may or may not.  It is best to take the test when you get hired at the site that you want to work.

We have a practice test on your site for the DOE core, if they can pass our test with 100%, then they will pass the test at any DOE site with flying colors.  We also have a DOE CORE Cram notes book that will help them as well.  We have been VERY successful at preparing people for the test.



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