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Offline Rennhack

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New PM Feature
« on: Apr 07, 2005, 12:44 »
The PM (Private Message) system just got a new feature.  It's called "Labels", which is similar to "Folders"...

Similar to folders. You get the benefits of folders, but with one added bonus -- you can apply more than one label to a conversation. Instead of having to pick one folder to hold a message, you can access labeled messages from your inbox, 'All Mail,' and from all the labels that you assign to the message.

I created a new "Label" named "Saved", then labeled any important messages that I wanted to save with that "label".

A message can have several labels.  You could then Make a Lable called 'Friends' and one Called 'strangers'.  And add a "friends' and 'saved' label to a message.

All messages start with the "Inbox" label, which you can remove, after you have added another label (like saved), then the message will no longer show up in your inbox, just in the "saved" area.

Remember ALL messages, Inbox, Outbox, and in your labled areas ALL count toward your limit.

Lurker's are allowed 10 messages in their PM box.
Moderate Users's are allowed 15 messages in their PM box.
Heavy User's are allowed 20 messages in their PM box.
V Heavy User's are allowed 25 messages in their PM box.

Gold Members are allowed UNLIMITED messages in their PM box.
« Last Edit: Apr 14, 2005, 12:32 by Rennhack »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: New PM Feature
« Reply #1 on: Apr 07, 2005, 03:26 »
There is also the beginings of a "buddy list".

In a person's profile, where it shows them online or ofline, you can add them to your buddy list.

You can also add them in you PM options page:;sa=pmprefs

What good is it?  Well, a couple of things, in the member list, if you sort it by online, it will show your buddies. (No big deal)

When you send a PM, and click on the "find users", it opens up a "find users" box, there will be an option to show only buddies.  Check that box, and use a wild card (*).  THen you will have a list of all your buddies, just click on their name,a nd they will be added to your "to" section in your pm.
« Last Edit: Apr 07, 2005, 03:30 by Rennhack »


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