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Author Topic: IT wanting to switch to Nuke  (Read 10642 times)

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IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« on: Apr 15, 2005, 02:00 »
Hi.  I am an ITSN with 8 months in the Navy, currently at NCTAMS PAC Hawaii.  I want to become a nuke, and have been told that it is possible.  I got a 94 on the asvab, and I took AP physics in highschool, did well, and found it interesting.  I have a problem though.  I originally wanted to apply for STA-21, but as of yesterday I am no longer eligible for the program.  I had my first PRT, and despite a bad ankle I tried the run, since I had made a 10:19 just months ago in "A" school, needless to say I did well on the pushups/curlups, but failed the run with a miserable 17:20.  Since I have come to the command I have been the "golden boy" as some would say, getting outstandings on all my uniforms inspects earning me special liberty, and being gung-ho with pqs and such.  Anyways, I just severely injured my career before it even started, and now have lost eligibility for STA-21, and lost my accelerated advancement to E-4 for being top of my class at "A" school.  My question is, what are my chances of becoming a Nuke now?


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #1 on: Apr 15, 2005, 02:45 »
You didn't mention the circumstances behind your loss of eligibility for STA-21 and failure to be at the top of your class (unless all of that is due to the PRT failure), but as long as the reason is not something that would also disqualify you from the Nuclear Field, your chances should be good to switch ratings.

It should be as easy as submitting a special request chit.  It doesn't sound like you've spoken with the command career counselor.  When you submit the request, he or she will then determine if you are fully qualified for the program.  If you need a waiver, your performance in the Navy may be a benefit.

If you are at a school command and don't get assistance with your request, there is nothing wrong with submitting the request again or waiting to submit the request once you reach your first duty station.

Of course, you'll need to have a new contract, since I would guess you're on a 4 year enlistment.  Given the details you've given in your post (although it sounds like there's something else there that you haven't mentioned) there is nothing preventing you from switching to the Nuclear Field.  I have to believe that the Navy would consider this request at the time you submit the request and wouldn't wait for you to finish your enlistment.  There are Navy nukes who have had prior service in not only other Navy ratings, but also in other branches of the service.


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #2 on: Apr 15, 2005, 02:57 »
Yes I lost both due to my prt failure.  I finished 2nd in my class and just put my chit to be advanced in a few days ago, i was supposed to put my crow on on May 2nd.

Nothing else that I havent really mentioned.  I am doing well in every other aspect of my career so far.  Just waiting to be able to start taking some pre-cal and calc classes, and maybe some more physics to brush up.

Took my Sat's in march and just got the results.  I didn't do so hot compared to a couple years ago in high school.  Got a 680 math and 580 verbal.

Edit:  I havent talked to my career counselor yet because this just happened and I need to do some research, because I don't want to go to him without knowing my stuff.
« Last Edit: Apr 15, 2005, 03:13 by ITnoob »


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #3 on: Apr 15, 2005, 03:15 »
I haven't done much except to search the web.  See MILPERSMAN 1316-504.

I have been out of the Navy and out of the nuclear community for a while, but from what I have gathered by reading these forums is that the Navy desperately needs nuclear operators, so if you meet all the requirements, your request should be welcomed.  Good luck, and that's about all I can contribute on this subject.

With those test scores, especially being out of high school for a while, it doesn't sound like you'd have any problem with the program.  Congratulations on your accomplishment in IT school.  I know it isn't what you hoped, but it shows you have excellent motivation and I don't see any reason that if you pursue your NEC change request, that you can't get into the Nuclear field (except if you are color blind).


Also see here to ensure you meet all the requirements.  Some of the requirements are waiverable.

Just go to the index for the Navy MILPERS Manual and you'll probably find more.  I haven't found more instructions, but if you look at the References section of these articles, you'll be able to find more details.

Edit 2:

This one has lots of references that you probably can get to more easily than I can.
« Last Edit: Apr 15, 2005, 03:26 by ex-SSN585 »


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #4 on: Apr 15, 2005, 04:12 »
Thanks alot SSN585, the only thing I am really worried about are my highschool transcripts, because even though I was always in the advanced classes, I wasn't too motivated to do homework, because I knew I was coming into the military and didnt think it would matter (oh how I was wrong).  Other than that, I have perfect vision, and I have an interim top secret clearance, and expect to get my top secret because I have never had any problems with the law, nor do I have any foreign ties or am a computer hacker lol.  I guess I just gotta get straight A's in the college math classes I am going to take to prove that I am motivated and was just stubborn in high school.


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #5 on: Apr 15, 2005, 04:32 »
It sounds like you have everything under control.

Perhaps RCLCPO (one of the forum moderators and a current Nuclear Field recruiter) will contact you or you can contact him to get feedback on your high school transcripts.  (Since you've reviewed the requirements, I guess you either repeated a course or got less than a "C".  If that is not the case and you're just worried about your overall GPA, then I don't think there's anything to worry about.)

I would think that your excellent military performance to date will be a good recommendation for any program you apply for.


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #6 on: Apr 15, 2005, 04:40 »
Thanks again.  Even though I am really bummed about everything that has happened, I guess I am glad that I got it all out while I was young and learned these valuable lessons
« Last Edit: Apr 15, 2005, 04:41 by ITnoob »


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #7 on: Apr 15, 2005, 05:35 »
Here are my asvab scores if it helps:

Armed Forces Qual Test: 94
General Science: 68
Arith Reasoning: 66
Numerical Ops: 68
Math Knowledge: 65
Mechanical Comp: 68
Electronics Info: 56


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #8 on: Apr 15, 2005, 07:24 »
Good scores!

The only thing they tell me is that you are qualified for the Nuclear Field without any further testing.  (AR+MK+EI+GS>=252)

The only other thing I could comment on is any specifics of why you are worried about your high school transcripts.  Even though MILPERSMAN 1306-502 only says "Be a high school diploma graduate", "Have completed at least 1 year of high school level algebra with no less than a "C" ( 70 - 79% on a 100% base)" and "Should have comleted high school level or higher instruction in chemistry, physics, or other sciences", there are some other requirements that I cannot find right now, but you can find if you search some of the posts on this forum.  They include that the algebra may not be repeated (in which case, your case can be considered for waiver).

As long as you are a high school diploma graduate, have high school chemistry or physics, have a "C" or better in algebra, and no repeated math courses, you shouldn't be concerned.  I'm sure that if you demonstrate good academic performance by getting As in your college classes, that may improve chances for a waiver, if required.

As with most of the other people who might reply, I am most familiar with recruit applicants and not prior service applicants.  The standards for your performance will be no higher than those for recruits, and your excellent current military service and service school performance should recommend you highly.  Your case will probably be handled by PERS-403 directly rather than any interface with the recruiting command.

says "For the purpose of enlistment into the NF program, prior service applicants are defined as anyone who has served one or more days of prior active duty service.  Submit a Nuclear Field (NF) Type 2 Waiver to DCNO (N133D) via CNRC (N382) for all prior service NF applicants."

I don't think there's much more you should know before seeing the command career counselor.


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #9 on: Apr 15, 2005, 01:33 »
I would only mention here that the Navy has already paid to send you to IT school.  I am not quite sure of the manning status of IT's, but you have to take into account the fact that they have already made an investment in you as an IT. 

I am not trying to discourage you, but I think it bears mentioning that your greatest obstacle will be the confines of your chosen rate (IT).


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #10 on: Aug 23, 2005, 09:36 »
Well, there is another rating merging with us soon, I think it is the CTO's, so I have a feeling that our rate will be closing up. 

Since I have posted this a few months ago, I have enrolled in 4 college classes at Hawaii Pacific University, and I am having a rough time keeping up with this many classes, work, and studying for my E-5 exam, but the courses are over in 2 weeks, and I currently have A's in all of them.  I took precalculus, computer science, writing, and web design, and next semester Ill be taking precal II, physics, and the next level writing class, followed by calculus, calculus-based physics, and chemistry.  I plan to submit my request around summertime next year, so we will see how it goes.


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #11 on: Aug 23, 2005, 10:20 »
Oh, and one more question.

What kind of re-enlistment bonus would I be looking at for my first re-enlistment (if I get accepted to nps I will finish before my 4 year mark)?


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #12 on: Aug 24, 2005, 06:08 »
If you re-enlist in Zone A (before 6 year point) your bonus is UP TO 45000.  Now keep in mind that this all depends on your rate and multiple for that rate.  On the average ELT's normally have the lowest multiples and I think that ET's normally have the highest (don't quote me on that). 


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #13 on: Sep 09, 2005, 02:10 »
Your chances were nill and zilch AFAIK in the first place. Not saying that it is not possible, but in my experience, which is contact with upwards of a thousand pipeline students in the last 3 years, I have never met anyone who has heard of a non-nuke cross-rating to nuke in the modern program. In power school we had a prior-BT who went nuke-mm but I believe the circumstance surrounding that was he was discharged and immediately enlisted again and was able to keep E-5. Has anyone met a nuke in the last 10 years who cross-rated?


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #14 on: Sep 09, 2005, 09:49 »
Has anyone met a nuke in the last 10 years who cross-rated?
Nope.  I understood that you have to enlist under the nuclear option and that is the only way into the program.


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #15 on: Sep 09, 2005, 04:48 »
When did that change? In 1988 I was in ELT school with two guys who had cross rated from the PN rate.



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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #16 on: Sep 09, 2005, 10:34 »
I believe that is how it was during my time in the downsizing Clintons Navy.


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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #17 on: Sep 11, 2005, 03:17 »
Not true anymore,  They will take conventional MM from the fleet and send them to A school (???), power school and prototype now.  We've had a few screen for it but turn it down after listening to other nuc's b!tch about being nuc's.   
So, just but in for it.  Even if everyone say no, push of it.  It can happen.  You just have to work hard to get people to see that you deserve the chance. 
When I was in A school we had a 2nd class EM come back to A school to be a nuc.  He was nuc that got kick in power school, but did so well in the fleet that he was allowed to return, but he had to start over  in school.  He did very well last I knew of. 
Nuc ET are undermanned.  Just had the head detailer onboard to discuss re-enlistment and order's option's.  Over all Et's are getting out at a faster rate than any other rate.  This is causing the top brass to look at rasing bonus limit's again.  Talk is of zone B going to 90K and D going to 200K+.  Lifetime limit moving to 400K+.  He said there so talk of moving zone A up to 60K, but that not the real hurting spot.  It longer term sailor there trying to get. 

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Re: IT wanting to switch to Nuke
« Reply #18 on: Sep 11, 2005, 08:01 »
I'm a nuke ET who reenlisted Zone A earlier this year and got $54,000.  $60,000 limit with a 7.5 multiple.  sub ET.
girls are pretty


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