I can't believe this has happened and if anyone knows what happened please keep us updated. Mike will be missed in this industry, he was a good person and HP. I got started in the business as a deconner at Plant Hatch and was mainly stationed on the refuel floor. In the 80's, Mike was an HP on the refuel floor, and we became good friends. He asked me if I had ever thought of becoming an HP and I told him yes. He said that if I wanted to, I could be his shadow this outage and he would show me the ropes of being an HP- so I did. Mike taught me alot of pertinent information about radiation safety and some rule-of-thumb techniques that would help me out in this business. Everyone on the refuel floor, that outage, liked Mike and we had a nickname for him- m2(m squared) for his iniatals mm. Out of all the memories I remember about that outage, the one that stands out the most is the time Mike and I were sitting at the control point when this beautiful, innocent looking brunette walked in and told us that she was the contol point clerk for the refuel floor. Mike looked at me and told me that he had met the woman and love of his dreams. This woman was Vicky. Since that outage I have left Hatch and haven't kept in touch with Mike or Vicky, but I will never forget that Mike is the main reason that I stayed in this business. I also remember him and will continue to remember him everytime I use one of his rule-of-thumbs in radiation safety. Vicky may God bless you and give you the strength to get through the loss of a great person and an old friend. If you ever need somone to talk to, drop me a line via e-mail.