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Author Topic: What shall I expect at an outage?  (Read 18811 times)

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Rad Sponge

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What shall I expect at an outage?
« on: Feb 02, 2006, 06:25 »
I am going to Calvert for the 5-week outage as a Senior HP technician via Bartlett.

What exactly are the possibilities for my duties there? This will be my first and only outage as a Contracted Tech, after this I start at Calvert as a Chemistry Technician.



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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 02, 2006, 08:39 »
jmk,  you can expect duties ranging from dose rating trash to job coverage of the reactor refueling.  it might be helpful if you gave us some info as to what kind of bkg you had under your belt.  then you'll find that some of the gurus inhabiting this site might well be able to guide you explicitly in your expectations.
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Rad Sponge

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 02, 2006, 08:42 »
I'm a former LELT Navy dude (Chem-Radcon-Mechanical)

I have no civilian certifications and experience other than 2 months at a nuclear pharmaceutical production company as a Health Physicist.

Bartlett called me back and said I could come in as a Senior HP Tech.


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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 03, 2006, 12:46 »

Having done what you're about to do one of the things you'll notice right away is contamination levels unlike anything you're used to seeing in the USN. Also the SIZE of the components, the pressurizers are the size of S/G's. Dose rates can also be a bit of a shock. However, all that being said, just pay attention to the other Sr. Techs and listen to their advice. Don't get into paralysis by analysis, and every will be just fine. I won't get into the attitude thing because from all your posts, I can tell you have a level head. Good Luck. Most of all Have Fun, I always enjoyed outages as a Sr. RP Tech.

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #4 on: Feb 05, 2006, 10:33 »
The outage will seem like chaos to you. The numbers of people involved, the incredible amount of work being done. Concentrate on your little part of it.
As previous posts have pointed out, you'll see a lot more dose and contamination than you saw in the Navy and your containment will be bigger than your engineering spaces were in the Nav. My first job was covering RCP Seal replacement at ANO. Imagine my shock to find out the crew would be standing in the RCP Seal Cav! :o
I don't know if the Navy allows people to get planned uptakes under the TEDE concept, where the total exposue is expected to be less without the respirators than with them, but if not, that can be hard to get used to.
Expect to see telemetric monitoring, particularly in the Steam Generators.
Good luck and enjoy the Cliffs. I haven't been there in 25 yrs, but I have fond memories.

Rad Sponge

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #5 on: Feb 05, 2006, 03:06 »
Thanks for all the advice and words of encouragement.



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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #6 on: Feb 06, 2006, 02:50 »
Some good advice here but this stuff wasn't mentioned.  Do NOT leave open cans of pop in the breakroom fridge.  Do NOT let your food explode in the microwave and leave it for someone else to clean up.  Try not to bone your fellow technicians.  All it takes is ONE time and your reputation is set.  Do NOT complain about the supervisor's wife who came in to "work" the outage and just sits on her mudflaps all shift.

Now for some DO's  Do your share of the workload.  Do complete all your surveys, log entries, and other documentation in a COMPLETE, TIMELY, and NEAT manner.  Nothing worse than sloppy, incomplete paperwork.  I once wasted a 100 mr on a survey that the numbnuts the shift before had done but did not make a log entry, turn in a survey, or mention to the supervisor.  He turned in the survey his next shift after two days off. }:(  Anyway, that's just a few.  Just keep and open mind, open eyes and ears, ask lots of questions and have a good time.  And for Godsakes, BE CAREFUL! :)
« Last Edit: Feb 06, 2006, 02:52 by Atomic_Punk »

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #7 on: Feb 06, 2006, 04:25 »

Another bit, do stay out of the outage talk if you can help it, were all there to work. Not play games of he said she said about x person.  Remember nuclear time exist on a separate plain then normal everyday time and be prompt or even early when arriving. Depending on if your first in, being late can ruin a friends day.  Be sociable, that guy youre covering now, could be in a very different posistion a few outages from now and can make things interesting. Just stating a few of my observations from my short time bumming around the commercial circuit. Youll find awesome advice from everyone once you get there (I hate to use the term old timers but if it applies you may be able to call them that) just be open to them but in the end its up to you to act/work how you want. 



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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #8 on: Feb 08, 2006, 08:28 »
One more thing!  Don't get too used to that per diem, it can be an awful shock to the bank account rolling house from the contract side.


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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #9 on: Feb 08, 2006, 12:46 »
Some other advice from a 34 year commercial experienced person.  Do as you are asked, if you don't understand ask the person that told you to do it, don't ask another tech because what they say may not be what you have been told.  Pay attention to what is said and follow instructions.  Complete everything in its entirety.  Like one of the other repliers indicated don't criticize or belittle other people (peers and management) and don't get into the rumor mill.  It will only get you in trouble.  You are coming from a different world and what you see will be totally new.  Use your head and common sense.  Stay aware from the lazy ones and the troublemakers.  Some may seem cool but it wil only get you in trouble.  Watch the night life so that it doesn't affect your attendance and the way you do you job.  Be on Time, early is better.  Do you work don't be one of the lazy ones passing on what you don't want to do.  In this business most everyone knows most everyone, its a small world and YOUR reputation is most important.  Don't lie or take short cuts, do what you are getting paid to do and respect those that you work for and with.


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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #10 on: Feb 09, 2006, 09:40 »
Talk as little as possible about how you've seen it done a different way... nobody gives a damn.  Don't talk about the boat unless asked.... nobody gives a damn.  Don't talk about your many years of experience... nobody gives a damn.  Don't act like a know it all even though you probably do. You have the navy nuke curse - you know too much.

Remember... guys that were just tending bar the week before with little to no nuke experience could be working side by side with you.

I believe you already have an in-house job at the cliffs.  So enjoy you're time during this outage and try to learn something from everyone you meet.  And just when you think someone is genuinely interested in you or wants your opinion on something...

Nobody gives a damn!
« Last Edit: Feb 09, 2006, 09:42 by M1Ark »

Rad Sponge

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #11 on: Feb 09, 2006, 10:50 »

You rock!

Jason 8)

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #12 on: Feb 09, 2006, 12:01 »
First, I'd like to say congratulations on the Chem job.  They've been threatening to hire someone since 2002.  It's about time they did.
Second, let me condense everything you have read here into  three sentences.  Open your mouth only to ask a question.  Ask lots of questions.  You're there to work, not socialize.

Good luck.
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Offline SloGlo

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #13 on: Feb 10, 2006, 03:47 »
jmk....  eye toll ya dat yinz'ed git lotsa info!
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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #14 on: Apr 05, 2006, 04:53 »
When you are a contractor, right or wrong you're always wrong! Try to remember this, and you will go far.
"Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less." General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.


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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #15 on: Apr 06, 2006, 06:34 »
When you are a contractor, right or wrong you're always wrong! Try to remember this, and you will go far.

But Spanky.. you're never wrong.....

Jason.. good luck with the chemistry now that all the little pieces are mixing in the core... try to knock it down to a tollerable level prior to the seals leaking... :o


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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #16 on: Apr 06, 2006, 09:21 »
hmmm as a contractor I and my fellow workers seem to be right most of the time.  Perhaps its the approach you take.  After all, how would it look for a manager to hire contractors that are always wrong??? Most if not all managers hire contractors to provide right answers and keep them on the path to success. 

The situations I have seen where contractors (rent a techs) seem "wrong" is that they didnt do their background analysis of the situation. Carry over memories from previous facilities often are mis-identified as problems at a new place of work. 

We have all seen or heard about the RAT that screams safety concerns or pending doom, and then states he was let go because he brough the issues to light..etc.  When in reality, there may have been some seed of truth in the matter but the guy was just basically a nut case or had some serious issues, and his wacky behavior obscured the real issue, resulting in a his loss of trust and credibility.

If you prepare a case, define the real problems and workable solutions you will be get ahead.  It works every time, and if you are right in your cause, you can act wacky about it and be perceived as "passionate about his work." Employers and managers like that.. champions for a better situation.. they dont like "nay sayers of doom and gloom."

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #17 on: Apr 06, 2006, 10:25 »
define the real problems and workable solutions

Best advice given so far. No manager likes constant problems with no solutions, but many like to have resolutions supplied with the problems.
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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #18 on: Apr 06, 2006, 06:29 »
When you are a contractor, right or wrong you're always wrong! Try to remember this, and you will go far.

I've been a supervisor/manager for 14 years now and I've never disregarded an opinion or suggestion because it came from a contractor. I might be blind (but I doubt it) I've yet to see a good suggestion or opinion be rejected because it came from a contractor.


Offline Mike McFarlin

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #19 on: Apr 15, 2006, 02:41 »
LaFeet, where are you? Cause I'm never wrong? Spanky
"Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less." General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.


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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #20 on: Apr 16, 2007, 02:21 »
LaFeet, where are you? Cause I'm never wrong? Spanky

 Currently  running AMOK  AMOK  AMOK  at Pilgrim.... sure could use a buddie to go to Foxwoods with 8)

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #21 on: Apr 23, 2007, 04:20 »
What to expect? 

Everything that can go wrong on an outage, will.  Eventually.  You really wont know you're in an outage, until you fall behind schedule.  You wont get a second wind until about 10days into it. 

LaFeet, when's ur day off? I'll go with ya!  Need to brush up my Hold' Em skills!

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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #22 on: Apr 23, 2007, 06:12 »
go to mohegan sun instead, i like it better anyway.  not exactly what you expect during an outage, but when stuff is wierd, might as well have some fun.


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Re: What shall I expect at an outage?
« Reply #23 on: Apr 23, 2007, 06:18 »
Jason..... expect the worst and hope for the bestr......Currently we are running behind schedule at Pilgrim.  And we most likely will be here two extra weeks.  Sneaking out just in time before the "seasonal" rates hit the rental market.

As for time off... be frugal.  Nothing beats a good sleep, but the body needs food, sunshine and other goodies (I Lika da beer and foodz).  Its ok to get a few hours sleep every now and then (heck - from your pix you should be used to it), but don't forget to get the 10 hour in the rack when you can.

  Hey Indoprime... I be headin to Boston Tuesday night......gonna knock Norm off his stool


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