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STA / instant-SRO training and duties
« on: Feb 07, 2006, 05:17 »
What timeline might a degreed (BSME,MSNE) instant-SRO hire expect for the first 2-3 years of employment? I understand that 3 years responsible plant experience is ultimately necessary; 12 months of which can be applied from schooling, and 6 months of which must be plant-specific and outside of the control room. Is license training then the balance of the remaining 18 months? When do the required examinations typically happen? (GFE, etc)

Additionally, how might the first 2-3 of employment look to a similarly-qualified applicant, this time as an STA hire? Do they follow a similar structured training path, only without the ultimate licensure, or do they hire in and immediaitley begin STA-specific training and duties?


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Re: STA / instant-SRO training and duties
« Reply #1 on: Feb 07, 2006, 07:54 »
I have found the following example timeline for instant SRO training. If anyone has any further inout, it is appreciated. I have found no sample timelines for new STA hires.

Instant SRO timeline:
6 months of plant OPs rotations
2 months of NRC Generic Fundamentals Exam preparation and testing
4 months of plant systems training
6 months of General, Abnormal and Emergency Procedures training
4 months of on-shift time
2 months of NRC license preparation on simulator
NRC written and simulator exam


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Re: STA / instant-SRO training and duties
« Reply #2 on: Feb 07, 2006, 08:11 »
The program is slightly different for each plant.  There are several paths to an SRO license (6?) and they are outlined in  INPO ACAD document 00-003.  

Path 1: A degreed staff engineer
Path 2: Navy nuke officer, Navy nuke RO, Navy nuke EWS
Path 3: QA inspector
Path 4: Training Instructor
Path 5: RO upgrade to SRO (Same Reactor)
Path 6: Previously licensed RO/SRO from a Non-Comparable Reactor (Another Plant)

This is off the top of my head and you must consult the INPO ACAD document for the straight answer.  I'm not sure which one of these paths you qualify for.  

You must do six months onsite not enrolled in training.  I've seen people assigned to QA, Maintenance, Licensing, Work Control, etc. during this time period.  I was assigned to an operating shift and stood NLO rounds for 6 months.

After the six months was up we started an 8 week GFE course followed by an NRC GFE exam.  We then worked a refuel outage doing minor task and then classed up again.

13 weeks systems course.
6 weeks admin course
6 weeks startups and shutdowns (Simulator Training)
6 weeks Abnormal Operating Procedures (Simulator Training)
12 weeks Emergency operating Procedures (Simulator Training)
17 weeks on-shift as under-instruction with an SRO (520 Hours)
    This includes a qualification signoff book 4" thick

Initial hire to SRO license => 2 years!

Then your assigned your own shift the first year and allowed to saddle-up in the big chair.  They'll neglect to tell you that it's more like a mechanical bull.  Those that stay on stay on shift.  Those that fall off will be writing procedures or tagouts in the clearance center.

Again, each plant is a little different but what I listed is typical of most plants.  PM me if you have specific questions.


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Re: STA / instant-SRO training and duties
« Reply #3 on: Feb 07, 2006, 08:18 »
I have found the following example timeline for instant SRO training. If anyone has any further inout, it is appreciated. I have found no sample timelines for new STA hires.

Instant SRO timeline:
6 months of plant OPs rotations
2 months of NRC Generic Fundamentals Exam preparation and testing
4 months of plant systems training
6 months of General, Abnormal and Emergency Procedures training
4 months of on-shift time
2 months of NRC license preparation on simulator
NRC written and simulator exam

STA's will follow along with an Initial License class but will NOT participate in the 2 month NRC workup unless the facility has NRC Licensed STA's.  Some plants license their STA and some don't.  A licensed STA will follow the exact same curriculum as an Instant SRO.  A non-licensed STA will be through with the program once they pass the Company Audit Exam (Practice NRC Exam)


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Re: STA / instant-SRO training and duties
« Reply #4 on: Feb 07, 2006, 10:46 »
Thanks M1Ark - good stuff. Further input from others is welcome and appreciated.

What are the general topics of the 6 week admin course?


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Re: STA / instant-SRO training and duties
« Reply #5 on: Feb 07, 2006, 11:14 »
Thanks M1Ark - good stuff. Further input from others is welcome and appreciated.

What are the general topics of the 6 week admin course?

Commiting to memory every other departments administrative procedures.  More or less.


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