gilgimesh.... if ya wanna be a nukeworker, ya gotta ask yerself whatcha wanna do in the nuclear field? all crafts are nukeworkers. lots of different technical disciplines are found in the nuclear field, and sew those peeple are nukeworkers. there are papershufflers, pencilpushers, beancounters, and they are all nukeworkers.
whatcha gonna due when a recruiter calls yew?
not alla the jobs ina nuclear field require specialized training. sum do. but, ya gotta figure out iffen the training is gonna give you more cash per hour than what you are all ready qualified to do. unless, you want to play in an area that you haven't worked. then, you gotta let us know what it is you want to do. if you want to work in a count room, and you are computerliterate, then you probably will be able to get a job. but, you are going to have to find a way to that position, as it is an entry level position in a nuke power plant and is filled for outages by people who have agendas.
let us know more detail, we'll help.