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Author Topic: Where would I fit in?  (Read 6036 times)

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Where would I fit in?
« on: Jun 21, 2006, 12:05 »
I have a pile of rad detection gear A dozen CDV-700s Eberline ESP-1 and 2s with alpha and gamma scintillators, I couldnt afford a lucas cell so I built my own. Neutron detectors, Well scintillators, A well stocked hot box that I use to do educational demonstrations at schools, Churches and youth groups. I have virtually no education in radiation, But I have a love of the Instrumentation. I can tell you that my background radiation is 12 microroentgen and that the old sand brick buildings in old town Saginaw the background is 40 microroentgens.

I have passed The FEMA courses IS-003 and IS-301.

I have worked as an electrician most of my life, Though I trained in electronics engineering. Currently employed as a high voltage lineman usually in 40 KV primarys.

Is there a quick and fast course one can take to become a nuke worker? I am no homer simpson and am really serious about safety.

I have a lot of radiation related material at my domain.



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Re: Where would I fit in?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 21, 2006, 05:25 »
With your enducation, I am surprised that you would want to become a nukeworker.  However, since it is obvious that you know the venue, then you should realize that electricians are a primary component of the employment pool in the nukeworker field, primarily in the power production arm of the business.  Therefore, you have already accomplished the course required.  If youare an union electrician, then I would contact the Business Agent reguarding work in the nearby nuclear power plant.  If you are not a union worker, then I would contact the contractors that supply the labor force to said power plant.  Once at the site, you will be given the site specific training required to work safely at the installation.


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Re: Where would I fit in?
« Reply #2 on: Jun 21, 2006, 08:46 »
Contact Bartlett about instrument repair. Start there. There are several companies that handle and calibrate rad instruments or learn gamma spect. always a need for NDA. go medical, big demand there and usually some grant money can be found to get your re-education.


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Re: Where would I fit in?
« Reply #3 on: Jun 23, 2006, 03:17 »
NDA? What is it.

I am also pretty fair with an MCA though Am-241 did give me some fits. Na-22 gives a good reading right through the lead pig. 8)

Someday I want to own, My own MCA. ;)



Offline SloGlo

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Re: Where would I fit in?
« Reply #4 on: Jun 23, 2006, 09:30 »
gilgimesh.... if ya wanna be a nukeworker, ya gotta ask yerself whatcha wanna do in the nuclear field?  all crafts are nukeworkers.  lots of different technical disciplines are found in the nuclear field, and sew those peeple are nukeworkers.   there are papershufflers, pencilpushers, beancounters, and they are all nukeworkers.

whatcha gonna due when a recruiter calls yew?

not alla the jobs ina nuclear field require specialized training.  sum do.  but, ya gotta figure out iffen the training is gonna give you more cash per hour than what you are all ready qualified to do.  unless, you want to play in an area that you haven't worked.  then, you gotta let us know what it is you want to do.  if you want to work in a count room, and you are computerliterate, then you probably will be able to get a job.  but, you are going to have to find a way to that position, as it is an entry level position in a nuke power plant and is filled for outages by people who have agendas. 
let us know more detail, we'll help. 
« Last Edit: Jun 23, 2006, 09:35 by SloGlo »
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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