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So which is better?

DOE for the money
7 (14.6%)
Commercial for the money
7 (14.6%)
DOE for it's long term
21 (43.8%)
Commercial for it's more varied locations
13 (27.1%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: DOE vs Commercial  (Read 28786 times)

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Offline idrum4food

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Re: DOE vs Commercial
« Reply #25 on: Oct 21, 2009, 11:51 »
I've worked DOE, Commercial and now reside as a house tech and must say there's advantages to all. My family usually traveled with me so DOE in the latter years was the option, however I cut my RP teeth in commercial power in the early days (early 80s). As a contractor you always have options to utilize at anytime to fit your current situation. As a house tech, those options aren't always in your best interest but the bennies are a fine substitute for options.


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